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For the past week finn has been constantly checking up on me, asking if I'm okay and making sure I have everything I need. He wants me to get better. And I understand why, but I still feel the pain. I know they're still together and I know she's going to tell him someday, and that one day will ruin my entire life. I know it will. Now I'm just sitting patiently waiting for the day to come. I don't know why she so desperately wants to ruin my life, I haven't done anything that's been completely my fault. It was our fault. But yet she still blames me.

"Millie I'm going to the shop, do you need anything?" My Mum asks as she walks into my room.

"No thanks." I smile. Finally home alone. As soon as my mum leaves I break down crying, I have no idea why but it all just came gushing out of my body. I can't hold it in anymore. And it's not just because finn and iris are dating, I mean look at my life. Look at me. My dad is dead, my mum is heartbroken, my grandfather passed away, I have a shaved head and a girl who's out to ruin my life. I want my dad. If anything else happens this week I don't know if I can take it. I stand up, walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror, a tear running down my cheek as I do so. I punch the mirror and "SMASH" it shatters into pieces all over my bathroom floor.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." I say crying trying to pick up the pieces of the shattered mirror. My hands are being sliced up, there's blood everywhere. Including one particular spot on my wrist where there seems to be a piece of the mirror stuck in my hand.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT." I scream. I grab my phone and FaceTime finn.

"Hi mill-what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asks.

"F-finn I-I" I say as I show him my hand.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD MILLIE IM COMING NOW. SHIT" he says as he ends the call. I take one last look at the wedged mirror in my hand and take one last breath before darkness overtakes me and I'm laying on the ground.

Finns POV:

I run into her bedroom and see her on the floor, blood everywhere.

"Shit shit shit." I say as a tear trickles down my cheek. "Fucking hell millie what did you do oh my god." I say as I grab her phone. I check to see if  her password is the same as it was before, and to my luck, it is. I go to contacts and phone her mom.

"Hey Mills!" She says happily.

"I-uh mi-miss Brown?" I sniffle.

"Finn? What's going on? Where's Millie" She asks with a worried tone.

"She's on the floor passed out she's got glass I think wedged in her hand I don't know what to do oh my god the blood is everywhere." I cry as I stare at her.

"Oh my god." I hear her sniffle "I-uh ph-phone an ambulance I'm on my way home." She says as she ends the call. I call the ambulance and they announce that they will be no longer than 20 minutes. Now, we wait.


I SAVED IT BUT FORGOT TO POST IT OMFG GODNFKSNF SHIT IM SORRY. Also can we just talk about how problematic I'm making Millie seem in this story like wow omfg I love Millie why am I making her so idek FKDNFKSND

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