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Millie's POV:

It's the next morning and I'm getting ready for our interview, I'm wearing some overalls and a white shirt because it's not an important interview, I mean nobody's even seen the show yet. I walk over to Finns house and knock on the door.

"Hi!" He answers as I walk in.

"Hey" I reply smiling.

"You ready?" He asks.

"Yeah" I sigh.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"I'm so tired." I chuckle. He laughs and rolls his eyes, we then make our way over to his mums car and we both get in. We listen to music and sing the whole way before we're greeted with a huge building, we enter the building and walk towards the room were supposed to be in. We walk in and Noah, Caleb, gaten and Natalia are already sitting in seats and surprisingly there's a very small audience. We both wave at the people and I take a seat next to Noah and Finn sits next to me.

"Hey!" Rick (interviewer) greets us.

"Hi!" We all reply in unision, we then laugh.

"This is our first time doing one of....these things." I chuckle.

"I'm not used to it." Natalia smiles.

"I'm sure you'll get used to it." Rick chuckles. "So, What's the name of this new show?" He asks.

"Stranger things" finn answers.

"I've never heard a title like it, what genre would you say it is?" He asks

"I'd say it's a mix of all of them really but mostly a  Sci-fi thriller/horror." Natalia smiles.

"Yeah it's very comedic too" I add.

"And there's a few curses in there too." Gaten chuckles.

"Do your parents not mind you cursing?" Rick asks.

"No, it's our job and they can't exactly be angry at us for doing our job." Caleb says causing everyone to laugh.

"That's true." Rick replies. Through ought the interview I catch finn staring at me, He chuckles and looks away, I don't really pay attention to any of the questions asked, I only pay my attention to him. But why? I don't know.

"Thank you for coming to talk to us today! We're very excited to see your show!" Rick announces as the audience applaud us, I snap back into reality and smile. Me and Finn get up from our seats and walk away, smiling and waving.

"Did you know what was going on?" He asks me whilst laughing.

"No I kept on zoning out." I lie. We both chuckle.

"So, did you enjoy that?" I hear Noah behind me.

"Yeah it was really fun!" I smile.

"Yeah, but I don't know what you were enjoying more, the interview, or finn." Gaten smirks. I furrow my eyebrows.

"Get over yourself gaten." I roll my eyes.

"You're the one denying it." He shrugs.

"Denying what?" I ask.

"Millie you're being naive." He smirks. I just groan and walk away.


"NEVER." He shouts back. I hear Caleb and Noah laugh with him. But I can also hear footsteps. I sit on a nearby rock, just around the corner from the guys. Finn sits next to me, I sigh.

"I am not naive." I huff.

"I didn't say you were." He shrugs.

"Yeah well you'll probably agree with your guy friends." I roll my eyes.

"Well you're my best friend so no, I don't." He smiles. I scoff.

"Naive." I shake my head. "What do they actually know? Do they actually know anything? Are they dumb? Can't they just SEE that A L L we are is f-f. Uh best? Friends? Um. Oh, my, god." I sit on the rock, I'm in disbelief.

"What?" Finn asks. I look up to him and gulp, and then. I run. Yes I ran away. I'm running towards the parents and adults as I'm trying to debunk myself, but nothings working.

"Mills? You ok?" My mum asks. I stand there out of breath.

"Y-Yeah." I smile. NO MOTHER IM NOT OK.

______one awkward car ride later _____

We're finally home, I walk into my house. Avoiding finn of course, and I head straight to my bedroom. I stare at my ceiling. WHAT IS HAPPENING? Yes he's cute and funny and amazing and all around a great person but he's my best friend right? But that DOESNT sound right. Holy fuck. I think I'm in love with finn wolfhard. And as if right on que, my phone starts ringing. I pick it up.

"Hey Mills!" Finn says through the phone.

"Hi!" I reply.

"You ok after earlier?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks, what's up?" I ask.

"I'm good but I need your help." He says awkwardly.

"With what?" I ask.

"Asking out a girl." And as soon as I hear him say that I hang up quicker than peppa pig when she found out susie sheep could whistle but she couldn't. I am not happy. Who even is this girl? Uh.


Sorry! I took a break from the internet but I'm back now! 💓

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