Chapter 8

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(Eddie's P.O.V)

We have been driving for hours and we finally found a small cabin. We ran out of gas.

"Everyone out. We need to check if it's safe" I said and grabbed my crossbow. I went first inside the building and there was a walker standing there, moping and groaning. I let Aleks take his head off after destroying the brain. There was nothing in the kitchen or living room. We snuck upstairs and there was about three of them. I held out my fingers and counted down to one. We charged and I shot an arrow in ones head. We checked the rest of the rooms and there were no more. Seamus and James carried the bodies outside and Jordan was still a mess. He was crying in Aleks shirt again. I heard my stomach growl so I decided to pass out food. I went to the car and grabbed two apples and two cans of soup that we could all share. I passed them out and everyone dug in except Jordan.

"Hey, you have to eat" Aleks said. He stayed silent and hid his face in his knees.

"Jordan, get your head up right now and eat" I ordered. He looked surprised at how I talked to him but still stayed silent. We gave up and Jordan silently cried into his hands. It hurts to see him like this. I heard something upstairs, like a cry of help. It may be my imagination but I don't want to take a risk of someone getting bit.

"I'll be right back" I said and made my way up the stairs. The groans got louder and louder as I turned towards a closet. I opened the closet quickly and there was a girl, about 14 years old. She was small and had a large cut in her arm.

"Please don't hurt me" she whined.

"I won't, I'll help you" I reached my hand out to her. I was pulled back and I had a small knife at my neck.

"Don't touch her" I heard a threatening voice.

"I was just trying to help" I said confidently. The captor let me go and threw me across the room. She pointed a gun at me.

"What's your name, how many people have you killed, how many zombies have you killed and why" she asked and raised the gun higher. I seen Aleks coming up the stairs. He was about to tackle the girl when she held him at gunpoint too.

"Answer my question and maybe I'll reason with you" she threatened.

"Names Eddie, that's Aleks. I haven't killed anyone, I have killed many walkers before because they are dangerous" I said. She lowered her gun at me.

"How about you, pretty boy?" She asked Aleks.

"It's the same as him. We don't want any trouble" he said. She put her guns in her back pocket.

"I'm Mary. This is Shelby" she said and picked her up. Shelby whined and we followed Mary down the stairs.

"How did she get cut?" I asked.

"Ran in front of my throwing knife" she replied and set her on the couch. I got a good look at Mary. She had black hair that swept in her face and dark brown, almost black eyes. She looked about 20 too. She wore converse and a shirt that said 'pierce the veil'. Shelby had blonde curly hair that went to her shoulders. She looked 20 along with Mary. She wore converse too and a black short sleeved shirt.

Mary started wrapping her cut and disinfecting it.

"Shh, it's gonna be ok." Mary whispered and kissed her forehead.

"Who the hell are these people?" Seamus asked.

"Mary and Shelby. They lived here before we came" I said. Seamus nodded with James and Jordan kept silent.

"Do you mind if we stay here?" James asked. Mary shook her head.

"Stay the night then leave" Zoe said "we don't trust many people so consider yourselves lucky" she said and went up stairs with Shelby in her arms.

"She's stubborn. Maybe if we can get her used to us, we could stay longer" James said.

"Let's try. The worst she could do is kill us but that would get her killed to" I said.

"It's getting dark. We better sleep" Seamus said. We all made little beds on the floor and Jordan got the couch.

"I love you" I whispered to Aleks and kissed his forehead.

"I love you too" he whispered and cuddled into my chest. I laid my head on his curly hair and soon fell asleep.


Thanks for the support guys. I haven't been updating much cause I've been gone but I'm back now and I need to catch up on my writing. So sorry, please forgive #Muchluv


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