Chapter 33 (Ending 2) Final

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(Eddie's P.O.V)

"If you could save the entire world by sacrificing yourself, would you?". The question, was ridiculous. No one, if they weren't in our current situation, would believe that but, we were desperate. And a fatal question would come with a fatal answer.

"I would". Aleks had answered before I could do a thing to stop him. Tears fell down my cheeks without consent and I fell to my knees.

"Aleks, you can't!" I pleaded but he wouldn't listen. They separated me and Aleks for the night, saying I couldn't be trusted in my current state. I pleaded and begged and even knocked a guys tooth out but they wouldn't listen to me. They thought I would hurt Aleks.

That night, was the worst night of my life. They put me in a room, no windows and locked doors. I didn't sleep a second and my sobbing and banging on the walls probably woke up the entire town. I scratched my arms out of anxiety, they became bloody but it didn't stop me.

Morning soon came and when the door was unlocked I didn't move. Aleks and my mother came into the room, shocked. I would be in shock too if I saw myself like this. Aleks immediately rushed over to me and hugged me, but my mother protested against it. She finally came over and pushed Aleks back, wrapping my arms and hugging the dear life out of me screaming 'I'm so sorry. It's my fault your so unhappy'. I told her otherwise but she didn't listen.

Aleks death was that night. They killed him fast and painlessly but I could still see the pain in his eyes as they slowly lost their life.

"A-Aleks! Goddammit d-don't leave me!" I cried out "I-I can't do this without you! Don't l-leave me!" My voice slowly became quiet and turned into a whisper "I-I love you"

I was a wreck. I got put in a straight jacket, in fear of hurting myself again. A few days after, the world started to get better, but I didn't believe it. They said the walkers population was going down at rapid rates and soon we would be a society again, but I didn't want to hear a word of it. Soon I was let go, to live my own life.

I was immediately swarmed by the guys, they asked me questions and asked if I was ok. Who would be ok when the love of their life was gone? Seamus and James tried to comfort me the most but none of it worked. I would block them out and continue to pick at my nails and let my tears fall out of free will. Life is a beautiful thing, isn't it? It can be taken so quickly though, it can disappear right when you think you have it at the palm of your hand, it slips through your fingers.

I blame myself for Aleks death. If I had stayed with him during the hoard he wouldn't have been bitten. We would have never known he was immune, he wouldn't be dead right now. It's all my fault, and the guilt is killing me slowly.

I tried hanging myself one night, but Kevin walked in and cut the rope as I kicked the stool down. I tried again, with pills but Jordan found me and made me throw them up. I even cut my wrist once but my mother sewed it up before I could even pass out. Why won't they let me die? Can't they see I'm not happy? Can't they see the pain I'm in?

I met a girl, her name was Bek. At first I thought I could never get over Aleks, and apparently I was right. After a few weeks of dating her we had our first time. I ended up moaning Aleks name, she was shocked but, she was never mad at me. She understood the pain I was in. We both agreed to break up and even now we are friends. She ended up seeing someone else and there I was again, lonely and hurting. Can't I just leave this painful world yet?

It's been about a year now. The walkers are gone completely and the human population has gone up. We figured out the reason for the outbreak was a chemical reaction that the brain had. We soon disposed of that chemical and we never had anyone turn after that.

The anniversary of Aleks death there was a celebration. They celebrated on Aleks death day because it was 'the day the world was saved'. It sickened me to no end. That day, was the day my death would be too. No one could stop me this time. I wrote suicide notes for everyone, thanking them and telling them how much they meant to me. And here I was, sitting in the middle of my room, gun to my forehead, hands shaking, tears blurring my vision, and I was happy. I was happy I was dying, because, I would get to see Aleks again. That's how it works, right? Someone dies and then you die and you meet up in the afterworld? That's how all the fairy tales go...

My finger met the trigger as I listened to people screaming, celebrating on Aleks death bed, does this mean there celebrating for me too? Celebrating that I'm dead, that I'm not needed in this cruel world. Well, that's what it means to me. There encouraging me to pull the trigger and that's what I'm gonna do


I fall the to floor, the noises stop and are met with gasps of horror. They knew what happened....

'Im coming to see you Aleks. Maybe I can finally be happy...'


Oh my fucking god, why did I write that? Anyways, this book is over I hope you guys enjoyed it. My next book will be Eren x Levi from attack on titan but that will be after I'm done with my SCManex book. Go read it! I love you guys and this chapter was really sad.... #Muchluv


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