Chapter 23

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(Eddies P.O.V)

I've been waiting for awhile. Me and the guys have already packed up everything and now we were cleaning the guns which we were nearly finished with. I hummed to myself as I put the gun back together and laid back on the car hood. I heard a sudden whistle and I ignored it, thinking it was a bird or something. I slowly closed my eyes and relaxed.

"Hey, fucker get up. There here" James said and pushed me off the car. I growled at him as I went tumbling onto the bloody concrete. I stood up, flipped him off, and wiped invisible dirt off my wrinkled clothes.

I looked over to see an maybe Asian guy and his short, cute friend. I don't mean cute like I would date him but like I want to pinch his cheeks and hug him so tight he would pop.

"Hey, are you Eddie?" The Asian one asked.

"Yeah and I'm guessing your Kevin?" I asked, his deep, smooth voice gave it away.

"Yup, and this is Steven. Let's go before it gets dark out." he said and looked in the sky, seeing there's only a few hours left of daylight.

"So the rest of us don't get a introduction?!" James playfully growled.

"Um sorry. That's James, he's an asshole. Seamus, the sarcastic asshole. Dan, new guy. Jordan, the eye catcher" I said pointing to each of them and winking at Jordan. Jordan blushed and glanced at Dan before glaring at me.

"Good to know, all I have to say is that Stevens mine" Kevin playfully punched Stevens shoulder but I could tell it meant more to Steven than he was showing.

"So what's this place like?" I asked.

"It's beautiful. There's tons of fruit trees and and a river. It's mostly guarded with 10 feet walls and buildings. We have people stay in apartments and it's 99.99% safe. It's all thanks to the leader, no one has seen him but his co-worker goes around and checks on people. I trust him, I trust all of them. We have sick, old, young, and parents. You will fit in nicely, I promise" Stevens smile grew brightly as he rambled on about it. Well I'm glad to hear it's a good place but what I want to hear most is that Aleks is ok....

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