Chapter 28

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(Alek's P.O.V)

I watched as two bright headlights came strolling threw the darkness. I was on watch with Eddie right now and the rest of the guys were on another building.

"Don't shoot, there friendly" a voice said behind me. I screamed a bit and almost fell out of my chair.

"Fuck you Kevin" I said and glared at him.

"Who are they?" Eddie asked.

"Some of our men that come back and forth, looking for survivors. And it looks like they found some" he said "Open the gates!". The gates opened and the truck came strolling threw with what seemed like 4 people in the tailgate.

"Would you like to come see them with me?" He asked. I nodded along with Eddie and our replacements came and took over. We climbed down the ladder and some of the recruits helped the injured men out of the back. I was right, there was 4 of them and they were bloodied and beaten.

"I wonder what happened" Eddie whispered in my ear. I nodded, agreeing with him.

"Take them to the care unit. Eddie, Alek's and Kevin, go with them and make sure they get good care" Dex said, writing some stuff down on a clipboard. Kevin dragged us along, staying a distance away from the injured. We didn't get to see their faces just yet but we would soon.

"Patient one first. We will move down the rooms" Kevin said and Steven rushed to his side.

"More injured?" He asked. Kevin nodded and we watched as they got laid down in medical beds and rushed off to rooms.

"We wait five minutes before checking on them. You don't want to get caught in the traffic" Steven said, leaning against the wall before getting pulled into Kevin's arms.

"Awe that's cute" I said, and Eddie pulled me into his arms.

"We're cuter though" he said and winked at me. I rested my head on his chest and waited to go and check on the patients.

Soon Kevin said we could go see them now since they got placed all in one giant room we didn't have to go back and forth.

Who we saw, well, we certainly didn't expect them...


Who do you think it is? Also who do you think the Mayor is? #Muchluv


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