Chapter 13

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(Shelby's P.O.V) very sad, very very sad. Crying is aloud.

I seen it in her pocket. There was no hiding it, I knew she would check sooner or later. I could hear her sobbing and screaming from my room and it broke my heart. I would check on her but I'm afraid to be killed. So here I am, being a coward in my room while Mary is crying in the bathroom cause her baby is dead. It's killing me to know that the baby is dead, inside of her. Everyone's infected, I mean everyone. Even if you not bitten, you die and you turn. That goes the same way for her baby. She's gonna get eaten from the inside out. It's only a matter of time..... A gunshot rang through the house. Guess it's my time. I grabbed the pistol off the bedside and brought it to my forehead.

"God, I don't believe in you but if your here then keep Mary safe and sen me to hell" I whispered and pulled a trigger.

I go down with the ship

(Eddie's P.O.V before the gun shots)

I heard sobbing from inside the house as Aleks got off of me. He gave me a weird look and we went inside to investigate. It was coming from upstairs.

"What the hell is that?" Jordan asked, wore out from crying so much.

"I don't know, everyone stay here" I said and went upstairs. I followed the noise to the bathroom. I quickly walked in and shut the door. Mary was in the corner, screaming and crying. She saw me and pointed a gun at me. I raised my hands quickly.

"Mary, calm down. Whatever it is, it will be alright" I said but she kept her gun raised.

"You don't understand Eddie, s-sit" she said, suddenly stopped sobbing but tears still ran down her cheeks like a waterfall. She pushed something towards me and it was a pregnancy test. It had two lines, saying she wasn't pregnant.

"I-I'm sorry, Mary. I don't think I understand the problem" I said sitting and putting my hands down.

"I had a husband. I was pregnant and he died to those t-things! I drank, a lot and Shelby helped me stop. I killed my damn baby Eddie! I used to have a baby. I killed it! And now I'm gonna die!" She sobbed. I tried to go comfort her but she threatened to pull the trigger.

"Your not gonna die. Your gonna be fine. Nothing will happen to you. The past is the past. It happened and we can't change it. Things happen and people die. It's life" I said

"You don't know, do you?" She asked

"Know what?"

"Everyone's infected. Nobody dies and stays the way they are. We all turn unless the brain is destroyed. Nobody's safe and there's no way to fix it. The government isn't gonna fix it when there's over 7 billion people in the world and were all gonna turn into those things. There's nothing we can do, give it up Eddie" she said in a pleading voice. Tears were brought to my eyes. "And I'm not gonna turn into one of those things and I'm sure as hell that I'm not gonna get eaten from the inside out. So let me do it. Either pain or nothing" she pleaded and brought the gun to her head.i quickly hugged her and left the room. I heard a gun shot run throughout the house and I let out a quiet sob as another one went off. I walked past Shelby's room and she lied there dead with a gun to her head.

"We'll survive, my ass" I mumbled in a sarcastic voice and slid against the wall. I felt arms wrap around me.

"I never said they would survive, Eddie. I said we'll survive, no matter how old we get or if we die, we'll survive" Aleks kissed me. "No matter what, I won't let anything happen to you. And as long as I'm with you, we'll survive"...

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