Chapter 31

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"Why...what..." I couldn't make out words. She just smiled, stood up and hugged me.

"I missed you baby" she whispered and rubbed my back lovingly. I shakily hugged back and Aleks smiled at the sight. My eyes were still wide and I could feel tears start to fill them. How is she alive?

"Mom" I wearily mumbled, not letting my tears fall. "I missed you so much". I could feel her squeeze me one last time before pulling away and kissing my temple.

"You look well, seems as you take good care of him" she said, turning to Aleks. He smiled at her and nodded.

"I try my best." He said "he's a trouble maker". I glared at Aleks and he laughed.

"Well, treat him good. Let me see you bite" she said, making Aleks freeze. He slowly raised his arm and pulled back his sleeve and my mother examined it.

"How long since you got it?" She asked.

"About two weeks" he said and her eyes went wide.

"T-that's not possible" she said, slightly touching it and Aleks hissed in pain.

"Don't do that, it still stings like a bitch" he said, biting his lip in pain.

"Um, Aleks is it? Could we possible do some tests? Just blood tests and examinations, nothing will happen to you. And Eddie we would need to comparing your bodies if you don't mind either." She said, looking Aleks up and down.

"Um, mother. Since when did you become a scientist?" I asked, giggling a bit.

"Since this mess started. Now, follow me to the lab" she said, putting her hood up "and wear these so people don't question you" she said and handed us some black hoodies. We put them on and we walked out of the building. She led us to a cellar that led underground. Clićhe enough? Instantly after the dark tunnel ended we were met by bright lights and tons of technology and seemingly scientists.

"Dexter!" Mother called. He suddenly appeared next to her, looking at me and Aleks strangely.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Examine Aleks bite. Seems he wasn't bitten two weeks ago and still hasn't changed. Run EMP tests and blood tests of all kind. Aleks will be compared to Eddie's body. About 20 percent possibility that he's immune to the bite" she said and rambled on to Dex about some sciency stuff that I didn't understand at all. When she finished we were dragged to strap down tables.

"Listen you two. We will not hurt you in any way but the straps are for safety measures" Dex said and strapped us in. I was still able to hold Aleks hand which made me happy cause I was honestly a bit scared.

"First blood tests. Remain calm guys" Dex said and they took blood samples from us before slapping a bandage on the tiny wounds. I watched as they quickly scanned the samples, apparently shocking them.

"Wow..." Dex muttered. "Um guys. We need semen samples please." Dex said and laughed. "Bathrooms over there. Make sure no ones in there and lock the door. Here's a cup". We both blushed bright red before making our way to the bathroom.

Well, that happened. We may have helped eachother... We made our way out of the bathroom, Aleks and me sweating bullets and slightly panting.

"That was amazing" he whispered in my ear before nibbling on it and moving away. I playfully pushed him and Dex gave us a look.

"You guys smell of sex, gross" he said and motioned us to lay back down on the tables. We got strapped down and again I held Aleks hand.

"Oh my god..." Dex and my mother whispered. They came back over to us, checking our eyes.

"His eyes are slightly faded and red." My mom said. "There beautiful".

"Um thanks" Aleks said and she moved away. Maybe Aleks is really immune to the bite. Maybe he will live. That would make me so happy.

"My eyes have been like that since I was born" he said. I squeezed his hand and smiled at the thought of him going to be ok.

"Aleks DNA is mixed.... He's defiantly not normal" Dex said. They unstrapped us and we sat up.

"So, what is it..." He asked.

"Your going to be fine Aleks" my mother said and smiled. I tackled Aleks in a hug and kissed him.

"Um, don't be that happy" Dex said. "I have bad news too". I frowned and we sat up again, me straddling his lap.

"Aleks, let me ask you this. If you could save the entire world by sacrificing yourself, would you?"...


Ok, so there are two endings. In the comments say either 'ending 1' or 'ending 2'. One ending is good and one is bad. I'm not telling which is which so guess. The book will come to an end either way so... Go comment, right now, I order you too. And also, have any of you watched attack on Titan? Cause my next book will be Levi x Eren. Now go comment... #Muchluv


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