Chapter 9

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(Alek's P.O.V)

"Haha, gayyy" I heard a voice scream in my ear. I shot up and hit my head on someone else's head. I groaned and fell back on top of Eddie. Somehow he didn't wake up. Wow, deep sleeper much?

"Fucking asshole" I said and glared at Mary who screamed in my ear. She gave a small laugh.

"Guess it's time for you to leave" she said.

"Wait, wait, let me talk to you first" I said and followed her out of the room.

"Trying to change my mind? Remember, I'm a 25 year old who acts like a stubborn teenager. Good luck" she said.

"Please listen" I said.

"I am, I just don't care" she shrugged me off.

"Well, hear me out" I said. "Please, just listen and then we will leave". That got her attention and she started to finally listen as she sat on a kitchen chair.

"Ok, what is it. Amuse me" she smirked and put her head in her hand.

"We really need a place to stay. The past week has been hell for us, everywhere we stayed it got over run. We already had someone die. She was pregnant too. Two heads is better than one or in this case, seven heads is better than five" I said trying to convince her.

"I don't believe in numbers. More people to feed and watch die." She said harshly. "But the girl that died and was pregnant. Is that the guy in the red hats girlfriend?"

"They were married actually" I corrected. She seemed to get a little depressed about that.

"Fine" she mumbled so quietly I didn't hear.

"Excuse me, what?" I asked.

"I said fine." She said and sadly walked out of the room.

(Shelby's P.O.V)

I walked into the kitchen and seen Mary with a depressed look on her face. Aleks was sitting on the chair confused. I growled and pinned him against the wall.

"What did you do?!" I growled and he whimpered as I pressed him harder against the wall.

"I-I didn't d-do anything. I just w-was talking to her a-about staying here" he stuttered.

"What did you say!" I was just about to slap him.

"About how we lost a girl who was pregnant and the guy on the couch was her husband." He said and I dropped him. He slid down the wall harshly and I ran to Mary's room. She was sobbing on the bed while holding a picture. I went up behind her and cradled her in my arms.

"Shh, it's ok. He's in a better place now." I whispered sweet nothings into her ear as she sobbed in my chest. I know Aleks didn't know better but it still makes me angry that she did this to her...

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