Chapter 14

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(Alek's P.O.V)

I woke up from my sleep and heard crying. I looked outside and seen it was dark out. I groaned and untangled myself from Eddie's arms and got off the couch. I grabbed my knife and headed towards the sound which led into the kitchen. A candle was lit and Jordan sat against the wall, crying. I frowned and sat down next to him.

"Hey dude. What's wrong?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"I miss her, she was pregnant. It was our baby" he sobbed. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into my chest.

"We gotta stay strong. We all move on sooner or later. She would want you to move on and be happy or at least not sad. I barely know you and it still breaks my heart to see you like this. I want you to get better Jordan" he clung to my shirt as I rubbed his back.

"Baby, come back to bed" Eddie whined through my walkie talkie. Jordan laughed.

"Go ahead. Thanks Aleks, it means a lot. I think I can try to move on" he smiled slightly. That's the first time he smiled since the incident. I got up and gave Jordan a hand as we made our way to the living room. Eddie had one eyes lazily opened and he held his arms open. I laid in them and he spooned me. Jordan laid on the opposite couch by himself and Seamus and James were cuddling on a makeshift bed on the floor. Jordan gave me a small smile before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

(Timeskip few days)

It's Mary's and Shelby's funeral time. Even if we didn't know them long they were alive once and deserve to be buried. I dug both holes and me and Seamus carried the body's outside. Everyone stood around while I covered their dead bodies with dirt. Everyone was shedding tears, even me. While I dropped the last pile of dirt, we all said our goodbyes. I stuck the shovel in the dirt and stood by Eddie.

"They were great people. Mary was a total badass and Shelby was the sweetheart until you did something wrong. We need more people in the world like them, to spice up our days. Now we live in pure hell without them" Eddie said and slipped his hand into mine. I gave it a gentle squeeze as we both wiped tears off our cheeks.

"Guys, we better get moving" Seamus said. We nodded and started packing up supplies, blankets, food, ammo, ect... It seemed a little more tense today than others but who can blame us. Ever had someone shoot themselves right in front of you? It's horrible.

We packed the car and drove off. Who knows where but wherever we go lies a great journey ahead. New people, new love, new hope that just seems to get crushed anyway...

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