Chapter 32 (Ending 1)

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(Alek's P.O.V)

You guys got lucky and chose the good one. There will be alternate endings so the bad ending will be posted after this #Muchluv


"If you could save the entire world by sacrificing yourself, would you?"

I stopped. Stopped breathing, stopped moving, stopped thinking. My jaw was slightly gaped and my eyes wide.

"Mother, no. I won't let him" Eddie said, stopping in front of me.

"Eddie, it's his choice, not yours." His mother said, slightly pushing him out of the way.

"So Aleks. What do you say?" Dex asked me but I couldn't move, or talk for that matter. My mouth was dry and it was hard to breath. Soon my vision was blacking out slowly and getting dizzy was an understatement.

"Aleks!" Eddie screamed, catching me before my head hit the ground. Soon the blackness consumed my vision and I fell limp in Eddie's arms...


"Eddie calm........ He's...... Ok" I heard bits and pieces of words as I woke up slowly. I opened my eyes slightly and looked around. Eddie was sitting by the bed, holding my hand and talking with people that I couldn't make out the faces of. I was guessing it was his mother and Dexter but there was another person.... Who was that. I managed to open my eyes all the way and slightly squeeze Eddie's hand.

"Aleks! Your awake. I was so worried about you. Don't ever do that again!" His eyes had worried written all over them and I frowned.

"D-don't worry, I-I'm fine" I croaked out. He kissed my lips gently and turned back to his mother.

"Are you sure about this, Bek?" Wait, Bek? That person looked nothing like anyone I knew.

"E-Eddie. What's going o-on?" I asked. He turned back towards me and smiled sadly.

"She's bit too, Aleks. She got bit the moment this entire shit storm started" he said and I looked at him to abbreviate more. "She's immune, she doesn't have a family or friends.... She's willing to be the sacrifice" What. No, it can't be true. My eyes went wide and I looked at the girl and she walked towards me.

"Hello, sir. I'm Bek" she said and reached her arm out to me. I took her hand and shaked it. I started feeling myself get more steady by the moment. I guess I was just disoriented from just waking up.

"It's nice to meet you" she said and pulled her hand back to her side.

"The pleasures all mine ma'm but are you sure you want to do this?! It's your life..." She cut me off.

"I'm absolutely fine doing it. I don't have much to live for anyway, I'm gonna die in a few months anyway. I have lung cancer." She said and smiled brightly. She didn't seem... Sad, at all. She was genuinely happy.

"Thank you so much" I said, tears starting to swell up in my eyes.

"Don't cry sir..." This time I cut her off.

"Call me Aleks, please" I said and smiled slightly.

"Well, Aleks. Please don't cry" she said.

"I'm crying tears of happiness. And it's thanks to you" I said and smiled, pulling her down for a hug. She hugged back slowly and tears rolled down the curves of my cheeks. We pulled away and everyone thanked her before Dex announced it was time....

(Timeskip 2 years)

They did it. After they got the cure they slowly but surely cleared the world from the disease. Even now we are still cleaning up and rebuilding an economy for the world again but, it's beautiful. Beautiful to see the world slowly rebuild itself. We all have electricity again, most people have homes and kids again and well, me and Eddie have both.

We adopted a little girl since she lost her parents in the disaster. She's six now, her name is Allison and she's the happiest little girl. The world got over the fact that homosexuals are 'bad' and they realized that it didn't matter in the end. Nothing mattered in the end, except surviving and people finally realized that.

Two years after the disaster me and Eddie got married, after he got the balls to propose of course. Seamus, James, chilled and Ze, and of course Steven and Kevin all got married but we were the first. Jordan and Dan have been on and off with there relationship but I can tell it will work out well in the end. Eddie's mother passed on and once she did they named the town she started after her and built a statue of her in the middle of it. Now, all of the group lives in the small town. Dex continued to be a scientist after and I'm pretty sure he's seeing someone right now, a boy I might mention, and I think it's Gassy. Spoon lived to be alone but he did socialize with us a lot still, though he is quiet. Bek got remembered by her statue being right by my mothers and we named the town next to ours after her.

After that few months of hell we managed to be strong and continue. It's a beautiful world, isn't it? We had many killed that we knew but many more that we didn't. Mary, Shelby and Monica will be remembered and I think Dan and Jordan were planning to name their child after Monica.

"Daddy!" I felt sudden weight on my lap and I looked down to see Alli smiling.

"Hey baby, where's dada?" I asked her, referring to Eddie.

"Right here" I heard him behind me and arms wrapped around my waste and I smiled. "Hey guys, guess what?"

"What?" We said at the same time and she giggled uncontrably. Just like Eddie...

"I love you both" he said and kissed us.

"We love you too" I said and kissed his lips. He smiled and took the kiss a little to far, or to far to be seen in front of our daughter. I pulled away and flicked his nose.

"Not in front of the child" I whispered in his ear before nibbling on it slightly.

"Wait till I'm asleep till you frickle frackle!" She screamed, shoving her face in the pillow.

"Where the hell did you learn that from?" I asked, glaring down at her.

"Jamie and seamoose told me about it. They also said that the marks on your necks are h-hickeys" she said, stuttering on the last word. She giggled and kissed my cheek.

"I'm gonna kill them" I growled as she walked out of the living room.

"Killing people is bad, daddy!" I heard her yell and Eddie giggled.

"She's right" he mumbled past my lips. I pulled away from the kiss and pouted.

"Aleks?" He asked.


"We survived..."


That's it! That ending 1, the good ending now time for the bad... Give me like a week or so till it's posted, I'm having major depression problems lately. #Muchluv


We'll Survive (Immortalfox)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon