s e v e n

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Honeymoon day 7
p e r f e c t

Sasha's P.O.V ~

The sun is a luminous beauty that reflects warmth on our faces.

The growing roses are blowing a delicious aroma around us which mixes well with our packed away food.

I open the lid of the wicker basket and pull out various pleasantries such as grapes, sweetened bread, chocolates, and pita chips.

I thought I'd be the ever supporting wife and indulge in consuming non alcoholic white wine with Seth.

It proves to be more sweet and crisp rather than strong as I usually enjoy but I'm not complaining.

Anything to show that I'm in full support of my husbands mighty progress.

"You know I'm so proud of you." I blurt out as we set up the array of food.

He freezes and halts his actions of unwrapping the bread before gazing at me.


I nod and motion over to the virgin wine,

"Yes, ridiculously proud. We worked so hard to get you sober and you're maintaining it strong. It makes me so happy to see you healthy."

What happens next is something I don't expect, he blushes.

"Aw." I gush out before scrambling over to kiss his reddened cheeks.

He smiles and pulls me closer in his arms so I'm on his lap.

"I owe it all to you. I wouldn't be okay if you didn't stumble back in when you did, even when you had your own shit going on."

I frown at the bitter memories and his response,

"I didn't do anything. It was all you."

He shakes his head in disagreement,

"No Sash, you're wrong. I fell back in to my nasty old habits because I lost your love, and that wasn't entirely your fault, but you came back. You came back with loving arms and I'll always be grateful for that."

And here comes the tears.

My lip begins to quiver and I look down to try and calm the waterworks.

"God you're making me emotional." I whine softly with a small giggle.

When he lifts my chin a tear rolls down my face.

Why am I so emotional?

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry. Don't cry." He coos.

I shake my head and wipe my eyes, embarrassed with myself.

"It's fine I just- god we've come so far. You've done so well, it makes me happy. I mean we have only been together for a little while and it's been a complete dream. You have given me the fairytale I've always wanted with you."

He smiles before pressing his lips softly to mine in a sensual rhythm.

Appreciating me, caressing me, caring for me, and loving me.

We pull away after a beat and study each other's longing orbs with passion.

"It makes me happy to see you happy. You're the air I breathe, I need you Sasha."

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