t h i r t y f i v e | finale part II

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w a s h a l l o v e r m e

Sasha's P.O.V ~

"God this is worse than when I was a kid and found out they were discontinuing Sailor Moon."

I bite my lip and shake my head as I pace the wooden floors creaking below my feet.

"We have to open it at some point." Seth murmurs.

"No, I thought we were just gonna plaster it on our fridge to admire like a ten year olds fucking report card." I spit out as I pass his figure sitting on the island bar chair, his gaze trained on the dreaded results placed on the marble countertop nearby.

He frowns,

"Jesus." He murmurs.

I let out a shaky sigh before waddling  over to him and sitting down as well.

"I'm sorry I just- this is terrifying for me too."

He nods in understanding and I watch as he gulps, his adam's apple bobbing up and down.

I glance at the manilla folder and bite my lip.

"I don't think I can open it."

My eyes wander to the fresh bandage wrapped around my arm where they took my blood out for our answers.

Seth sighs,

"Me either. I don't think I want to know. Can we just burn it?"

I frown,

"I wish we could. But you, me, and this baby deserve answers. We can't go amongst our lives wondering who the father is. And surely I don't think you want to find out when I've just given birth. We have to be prepared for that..."

I see Seth shiver at that thought.

"I know." He murmurs.

I grab his hand in mine and squeeze it reassuringly.

"Yes, this is terrible. But we are going to get through it just like we've gotten through all the other obstacles in our life. I mean think of how much we've progressed as a couple. You've been sober for over four months, I've been growing our child inside of me for over nineteen weeks, you and I both have been getting help for our unresolved issues- this is just another bump in the road."

Seth frowns,

"More like mountain." He murmurs.

I sigh and bring his hand to my lips for a sweet kiss.

"These DNA results will never change the fact that by heart, you are this child's father. You will always be this child's father. No matter what or who tries to get involved."

He sighs,

"I know." His voice is sad and shaky, and it matches his demeanor.


I lean forward and press my forehead against his temple,

"We can do this." I whisper against his ear before leaving a soft kiss against it.

He smiles weakly and tenses as I stand and round the counter to shakily grab the piece of paper that determines our fate, our future...

I sit back down next to him and he looks away as I do.

Oh, love. I know... trust me I do.

"You ready?" I whisper hoarsely.

His expression is pained but he nods anyways.

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