t h i r t y

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c h a n g e s

Sasha's P.O.V ~

Click. Click. Click.

His foot taps anxiously against the hardwood flooring.

In, out. In, out.

My shallow breaths fan out in to the air around us, sharply filling my ears.

Could this be any more difficult?

I chew on my bottom lip nervously, awaiting for one of us to suck it up and speak the first word.

Though we don't, we remain engrossed  in our avoidance of actually speaking up.

We've only been seated here for five minutes but it feels like five damn hours.

I glance down to my big belly and frown.

My little bellsprout must be resting, he hasn't kicked at all.

Which is unlike him.

That baby is already wrestling in my belly.

Probably kicking away all the greens I'm scarfing down, just like his father would.

Or perhaps rather than resting he just doesn't want to interrupt or intervene in this soap opera situation.

God I don't blame him.

Running away from a problem, just like his mother.

Well, not anymore.

"I love you Sasha." Seth blurts.

I purse my lips and let my eyes drift his way.

"I know. I love you too." I whisper.

He sighs and slumps back in pure relief and revelation which causes me to raise a sharp brow,

"What, did you think I just randomly stopped loving you?" I say incredulously.

He sighs and rubs a hand through his locks of brown hair before murmuring,


I sigh and shake my head,

"Seth, I could never stop loving you. That's just not how it works. Yeah a part of me doesn't like you- or rather, what you did very much, but that hasn't destroyed and or jaded the love that I carry for you. That thought alone is just- ridiculous."

He groans and smoothes his palms over his face, back and forth.

"I thought you hated me. After you confronted me, said what you said." He murmurs.

I shake my head but keep quiet and just watch as he seems to replay and process that dreaded day.

When his body tenses, mine comes alive with goosebumps.

Oh god...

"I-Is there another guy?"

I huff out the breath I was holding and quickly shake my head,

"No Seth. Of course not. There never was. Ever. I'd never cheat on you, I'd never lie to you. I just said that because I wanted you to feel an inkling of the pain that I felt. I wanted you to suffer. I-I wanted to hurt you in that moment. I'm sorry, for that... Well for some of it, not the part about your dick. I think that was a pretty good defense."

He chuckles softly and I grin sweetly at the reassuring sound.

His fingers move from covering his face to rubbing his temples.

serendipity | - hostage sequel • completed ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt