n i n e

207 9 1

Honeymoon day 9
c o n c i e n c i a

Sasha's P.O.V ~

"If I could pack up this whole restaurant and take it back home with us I swear I would." He moans out in appreciation.

I giggle as I shove another piece of pancake into my mouth.

God the breakfast here in Ireland is delicious.

"I second that." I murmur as I take a sip of my orange juice.

Seth works on eating up his scrambled eggs whilst I enjoy my pancakes and bacon, both of which are dripping with syrup.

I giggle when I see jam stuck in Seth's beard.

"What?" He groans questioningly.

I bite back my giggles before reaching over and wiping the sweetness off of his chin.

"There." I smile proudly.

He sighs and shakes his head,

"So what exactly did you have planned today?"

I smirk,

"It's a surprise."

He frowns,

"Can I have a hint?"


"Well all I can say is that you'll enjoy the smell of it."

He raises an eyebrow,

"Oh boy..."


"Wow. I've never seen so many flowers in my life."  I giggle as I literally stop to smell the blooming roses.

I've chosen the botanic gardens of Dublin Ireland to celebrate our ninth day of honeymooning.

Seth doesn't complain, he only follows along and points out the rare flowers that he's never seen or heard of before.

I take many aesthetically pleasing pictures which fill up my gallery.

We make it to the dandelion section and as I'm taking a photo I hear Seth clear his throat nervously.

"Um, Sasha?"

I turn back around and bust out laughing at the sight I see.

A gorgeous monarch butterfly has landed on his nose and is fluttering its wings freely.

Seth sighs and slightly shakes his head,

"Help me?"

I giggle,

"Let me take a picture first, smile!"

He obliges and I snap the most adorable photo of him.

That's definitely going on Instagram.

He sighs and tries to cross both eyes to look at the monarch.

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