t w e n t y o n e

191 10 53

h e a r t b r e a k  s t o r y

Sasha's P.O.V ~

Have you ever woken up after you've cried your eyes out to the point where you think you've dehydrated yourself by losing all of the tears?

Hi, I'm Sasha, and I have the same damn problem.

Because my life's a fuck up.

See, unlike Seth, I didn't drink last night. Only non alcoholic, virgin, pure, chai tea.

Yet I'm still blessed with a lovely god damn headache.

All of the internal pain I felt is still very much there but I'm far too pissed off to acknowledge it.

I shouldn't have a headache.

He should have a headache.

I sigh and try to pry my eyes open to the intruding light.

Yesterday I made myself believe that all the light had gone out of my life.

Seth. He's my light.

But like Grandma Banks used to say, 'tomorrow is another day, and tomorrow the sun will still come arisin' whether you like it or not baby...'

She'd tell me that at six am when I refused to wake up for school.

It killed me back then and I know it'll kill me now.

Slowly, slowly-


My eyes shoot open and glance to my right where Finn and Bayley are kneeled on the floor with something of mine in their hands.

Poor Bayley. She hit her head on the nightstand...

I sit up suspiciously and glance at my piece of rose gold technology which is gripped in Finn's palm.

Oh, so they were trying to discreetly sneak my phone away.


"Um, what're you guys doing?"

They both glance at each other nervously,

"We wanted to check the time. Sorry for waking you." Bayley mumbles.

Her eyes avoid mine, she's lying.

"There's a digital clock right there."

I glance pointedly at the red numbers proudly displayed on the night stand.

Finn clenches his teeth,

"Who even uses clocks anymore?"

I raise my eyebrows and purse my lips before reaching for my phone.

Finn pulls it back quickly and bolts off to the seat near the window.

"What the fuck Balor? Stop playing games, give me my phone. I have to check on my drunk excuse of a husband."

Bayley hisses in a sharp breath and I glance nervously at her.

"What's wrong?"

She looks down sadly with blushing cheeks.

Something's up.

"What're you hiding from me?"

"Alright guys so last night our exclusive TMZ member Brian caught former heavyweight champion Seth Rollins-"


I grab the remote before Bayley can stop me and I raise the volume on the television.

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