f o u r t e e n

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Honeymoon day 14
s u m m e r t i m e  s a d n e s s

Sasha's P.O.V ~

I frown and try to cover up my smudged mascara with more foundation.

It proves to be difficult as I am no makeup artist.

I groan softly in frustration and grab another makeup wipe.

I'd better hurry, this fairytale is coming to an end.

Another tear falls upon realizations hard slap across the face.

I don't ever want this to end.

Christ, I'm so emotional.

This has all been so wonderful, I'm not ready to let it go.

The boat ride, the dinner, the endless love making...

All of that will be gone when we get home.

I have to face the devil and his evil minions.

I'd give just about anything to stay here for longer.

Though Kevin needs me, I have to go home...

"Hey sweetheart, I think we should bring snacks just in case-"

Seth halts his words mid sentence and his face floods with concern.

He frowns and rushes over to cup my cheeks, my body slouches defeatedly before him as more tears betray me.

"No no no, shh."

I try to hold back the sobs creeping up my throat but it's no use.

Seth shakes his head sadly and let's me bury my face in his shirt as he holds me.

Am I really ready to face reality back at home?

Face Vince, face the fans who no longer bother to scream my name?

"Hey hey, let me see those pretty eyes my love."

His hand moves under my chin whilst he tilts it back to study me.

I probably look a mess.

"What's wrong?"

I sniffle and shake my head,

"It's stupid."

He purses his lips,

"Nothing you say ever, and I mean ever, will be stupid to me. It's not stupid if it's making you like this. Please hon, tell me what's wrong."

His voice is a care filled plea of concern that aches to chase my fears away.

I take a shaky breath,

"I'm not ready to go home, I'm scared.

His eyebrows furrow as he frowns,

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