t w e l v e

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Honeymoon day 12
n o r u n n i n g f r o m m e

Sasha's P.O.V ~

Another crash of thunder, another bolt of lighting, and another storm to welcome in the day.

I sigh as I glance at the raindrops hitting the window.

Seth rests his chin on top of my head and frowns,

"Well this sucks."

I nod in agreement,

"Yes it does."

With a long sigh I walk away from the window and pull out some board games from one of the many backpacks we have with us.

"Pick. I have Monopoly, Life, Clue, and I think there are some Uno cards in here."

Seth lets out a long chuckle and it makes me raise an eyebrow in question.

"Pokémon edition?"

I hold back an embarrassed grin as I look back at my monopoly box with Pikachu displayed proudly on the cover.

"Oh god Sash, the obsession has gone too far."

I roll my eyes and punch his muscular forearm as he makes his way over to me.

He smiles and kisses my temple,

"I choose your cute little Pokémon game. I'm sure it'll help us kill time."

I groan loudly in annoyance and it only makes him laugh even more.

What am I gonna do with him?


"Damn you're good at this." He grumbles.

I grin smugly and roll the dice once more before gladly taking my Clefairy across the GO square.

Seth groans whilst handing me two hundred then taking his turn and landing on a community chest.

"Pay one hundred to the other player due to a rare Pokémon injury fine, oh what the hell?"

I giggle and take my money from him.

"Thank you very much mister."

He rolls his eyes with a smirk,

"You're just lucky we aren't playing pool again."

I blush crimson at the memory before taking my turn.

This is gonna be fun...


"Fuck, yes! Oh..." I groan out as I find my release and slump back on to the couch.

Seth follows soon after, calling out my name like a prayer.

We lay sated next to each other, our breathing heavy.

The faint rain fills my ears as I hold him in my arms.

After his bitterness from losing Monopoly I decided to make it up to him, which is why we are where we are at the moment.

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