t h i r t y t h r e e

228 11 8

t h e  s o l i l o q u y

Sasha's P.O.V ~

"Mmm" My eyes open to a raspy groan, the feeling of warm lips being pressed against my neck, and a soft hand caressing my big belly.

"You're up." Seth notes as his hand rhythmically strokes the soft skin of my stomach.

Hmm, how'd he know that? I'm faced away from him.

As if he heard my silent questioning, he smiles against my neck.

"Your breathing changes when you wake up." He murmurs as he leaves another soft kiss on my neck.

I sigh in contentment and then carefully turn to face him.

"Good morning beautiful wife." He whispers as his hand wanders up to stroke my cheek.

I blush as I extend my free arm out and tangle my hands in his messy morning hair.

"Good morning handsome husband."

He grins before letting his eyes wander down to my stomach.

I hold my breath as he scoots down to face my belly.

"And good morning to you baby boy." He murmurs as he leaves a soft kiss against me.

I gasp and giggle as a swift kick presses against me making Seth's eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

"Woah." He says and I giggle once more.

"Someone's feisty this morning. You must be hungry, huh?"

He leaves another soft kiss against my tummy, and then another, and another. Soft and sensual. All while his eyes are trained on me.

It makes me melt.

"Don't worry baby, daddy's coming to the rescue. Just like a superhero. My first mission, to get your stubborn mommy to eat."

I roll his eyes and smack the back of his head lightly which makes him laugh.

"I'll have you know Mr. Rollins that I fully planned on devouring a fulfilling meal for me and my little bellsprout."

Seth's eyebrows furrow together and a huge grin soon breaks on his face.

"Bellsprout, huh? You named our baby after a Pokémon? Oh god Sash what am I gonna do with you?"

Our baby. I'll never get over him saying that.

No matter what...

I giggle and grin down at him as he leaves one final kiss on my belly and then one on my lips before getting up off the bed.

"Alright sweetheart, what do you and my little one want for breakfast."

Is it possible for a heart to explode because I think mine just did.


He's being so loving, so- affectionate this morning. It's... unnerving for lack of better words.

He said my little one.

And that just reassures me enough... for now.

I have to hope and believe that no matter what happens, he'll be there for this baby and I.

I've taken his word for it but- you know what they say, actions speak louder than words.

And he's doing good so far.

Let's hope that doesn't change.

"Hmm, we're craving chocolate chip pancakes with bacon and a slice of Italian bread on the side."

serendipity | - hostage sequel • completed ✓Where stories live. Discover now