t w e n t y n i n e

237 9 3

i  t r y

Sasha's P.O.V ~

"Do you want cheese on your pasta?"

Seth glances up from his stack of dreaded documents and nods,

"Uh- yes. Please."

I offer a small smile before sprinkling a generous amount of parmesan shreds over the homemade tomato sauce.

I feel his eyes on me as I do so.

It's been a long day. Baby shower. Reunion. Now I'm fixing up some supper for the both of us.

Our dinner will give us a nice excuse to talk.

Though I know that Seth much rather not.

Too bad.

We are doing things my way now.

The setting around us is peaceful surprisingly, the ora not so much.

Marcy Gray croons softly in the background and the smell of vanilla candles fills my senses deliciously.

What could possibly go wrong?

I put on a nice little basil leaf before admiring my master piece.

With careful movements I manage to bring both warm bowls to the island bar and place them down.

"Sash- don't do that. Next time ask for help please, you're pregnant." He pleas softly, cautiously even.

I refrain from responding with 'oh don't worry, I've become used to holding my own these last few months' and rather whisper a small 'it's fine' instead.

"Be careful, it's hot."

Seth looks down at his plate like it's his lover and hastily mixes up his sauce and pasta before mindlessly throwing a scorching hot spoon in to his mouth which causes him to wince in pain.

As he pants and clenches his fist I giggle,

"I told you it was hot."

He frowns and reluctantly rests the spoon against the ceramic edge of the bowl so that our dinner won't harm him when he consumes it.

I take a seat next to him and begin moving my pasta around mindlessly.

To say this is awkward would be an understatement.

The tension is mind boggling to me though.

I'm tense with a man whom I left with no explanation many months ago and then suddenly took back with no awkwardness jading my decision.

I sigh and drop my metal fork against the fragile ceramic which causes a clinking noise to ring through my ears.

I purse my lips and dare a glance Seth's way.

He looks just as uncomfortable as I feel.

Yeah well it's reasonable considering our divorce documents of which we will most likely be terminating are resting right in front of us whilst we sit in an unpleasant silence over our bowls of steaming hot pasta.

serendipity | - hostage sequel • completed ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora