f i f t e e n

181 9 5

t e e n  i d l e

Home sweet home.

God how I've missed it.

Our fourteen beautiful days in Ireland are something that I will never ever forget.

They were absolutely magical, out of the normality realm that I am accustomed to.

The romance was brewing further everyday and I made sure to bask greedily in it.

Seth and I decided to force ourselves out of jet lag by unpacking.

Well, he did most of the unpacking.

I don't know if it was the plane ride or maybe the food I was served but as soon as we landed I immediately felt sickly.

I threw up all I'd eaten throughout the day.

Seth, being the lovely husband that he is, cleaned me up, gave me a bath, and then put me to bed before unpacking all of the stuff by himself.

Even after he finished he came upstairs and took care of me more.

I told him I was fine but he wasn't having it.

He made me a cold compress and he massaged my feet as I relaxed.

He's so loving.

Now it's nearing later hours and Seth and I are both energized after taking a long nap cuddled up in each others arms.

He offered to stay rather than taking on Dean and Romans offer of joining them to watch some football but I insisted that he go.

After spending all those days doing lovey dovey stuff with me he deserves some bro time.

Besides, Bayley is visiting. She actually should be here soon-

Just as I finish that thought I hear the doorbell ring and I raise my eyebrows at the irony.

"Well well well, if it isn't the one and only Mrs. Seth Rollins."

A giggle escapes my lips and Bayley and I both squeal as we embrace.

God I feel like I haven't seen her in forever.

"You look good girl." I gush out as I close the door and study her.

Finn is obviously taking care of his woman.

Her cheeks are full of color, her eyes are shining brightly, and her demeanor is one of confidence and maturity. It is a new Bayley, unlike one I've ever seen before.

"Thank you! Gosh you do too. You look so happy!"

I am.

I smile wide as I lead us over to the long couches in the living room.

"So, you and Finn!? Agh, I can't even believe it. How did it all start?"

She blushes and looks down to her feet,

"Gosh it's a wild story Sash. I mean after we went to that lunch with Kev a few months ago, he took me to my car and just kissed me. The rest is history from there."

I grin at her explanation as I embrace her again,

"Aw that's amazing Bayley. He really seems happy with you."

She bites her lip and lets out a nervous laugh before looking back over to me eagerly,

"So, how about you? How was your honeymoon?"

It's my turn to play shy.

I blush crimson at the very close memories of each wonderful day.

That boat ride, the dinner, the garden, the movie, gosh there was so much.

The sex.

Oh dear, that too...

"God Bayley it was like something you'd read out of one of those cheesy yet amazing romance novels they sell at corner bookstores. The ones that consist of all the cliche original love scenes in their own words."

She smiles and urges me to continue on,

"We did so much. We had dinners and went on boat rides, oh and we went roller skating. When we weren't doing anything we were just cuddled up in each others arms in the warmth of our bed."

She squeals at my words,

"That's so cute. I hope one day Finn proposes to me."

I see her eyes brighten at the thought and it makes me grin.

I remember when I felt that way about Seth.

Of course the circumstances weren't in my favor that time around, yet here I am.

"I'm sure he will Bayley."

She sighs before resting back against the couch and closing her eyes.

I find myself copying her actions.

It's been a long week.

"Hey is it that time of the month for you yet? I know we are a week apart. I've been really emotional lately, I wanna know if I'm PMS'ing."

I raise both of my eyebrows,

"Hang on, what's today?"

She grabs her phone and unlocks it,

"Um, Monday?"



I'm most definitely late.

"Crap. I'm think I'm late, let me check my calendar."

I bolt up and rush over to the fridge where my sailor moon calendar is displayed proudly.

Seth got it for me.

Bayley follows anxiously along my frantic pathway, she probably can feel the anxiety blooming off of me.

"One, two, three, four, five! Five days late? I was supposed to have my period last Wednesday."

My body chills upon realization.

No. No there's no way.


Bayley's eyes widen,

"Do you think?-"

My jaw drops and I shake my head,

"No. No that's not even remotely possible."

She frowns,

"Are you still on birth control?"

I quickly look back at the small calendar and trace back the weeks.

"I haven't been on birth control for six weeks. Shit."

Could I be?

No. No no no.

She frowns,

"Okay you look pale as a ghost. Calm down, let's run to the drugstore and get a test. Just in case!"

I shake my head quickly,

"No! No are you kidding me? I'm not taking a fucking test, I'm not pregnant Bayley!"

Goosebumps emerge as I say the word out loud.

Bayley looks away and takes a deep breath before approaching me with a much more calm voice.

"Sasha please. I'm not saying you're pregnant, I'm saying you should just take a test just to check. It's better to be safe than sorry. I highly doubt it, okay?"

I chew on my lip nervously as I stare back at a pleading Bayley.

God she's right...

With a shaky breath I nod,

"Fine. I'll take a test."

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