t h i r t y o n e

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a c e of h e a r t s

Sasha's P.O.V ~

Now it's my turn to tense in his arms,

"What do you mean? I thought you told me everything..."

He sighs and runs his free hand over his face before speaking,

"I did tell you everything, about what happened that night..."

I frown,

"But there's more?"

He sighs,

"There's more I don't think you know..."


"Seth, I'm confused. What do you mean there's more you don't think I know? Did you lie to me or something?"

He quickly shakes his head,

"No sash- I- gosh this is hard. Just, okay just sit up a second."

I purse my lips but oblige and sit up with his aid.


He adjusts the gathering of throw pillows behind me before draping a blanket over my belly.

I nod softly as I gaze at him in a mixture of curiosity and a slight uneasiness.

What more could he have to tell me?

"Alright, I guess I should explain it from the beginning..."

I frown and my brows furrow.

The beginning?

I assume he senses my confusion because he soon clarifies,

"Why I got my vasectomy... you deserve to know."

Oh, he's telling me?


"With all due respect, I think I deserved to know before we tied the knot but go on."

He cringes at my blunt wording but soon just shakes his head, letting my comment go, and clears his throat.

"It was back in high school. Just a while back before I joined FCW and met you..."

He's staring down at the cream colored rug below us and his eyes are searching for the words he longs to say as an explanation.

"I was with this girl for a while, it was an on and off thing. Her name was Leila... She was my high school sweetheart, my first love."

Oh god, High school sweethearts.

I frown at that thought but uneasily decide to let him continue.

I just hope I don't regret it...

Seth's P.O.V ~

"She and I, soon after meeting, became sexually active. Together of course. It started with stupid foreplay but eventually we decided that we wanted to take it to the next level. She was a virgin at the time and I was, experienced. So you can imagine the pressure I had on me, I couldn't mess this up. I had to make her first time special..."


"Are you sure you really want this? Like, with me?"

I frown as I stare in to her emerald green eyes.

I've never taken a girls virginity before, all I know is that this is something very special to them.

I cannot mess it up.

serendipity | - hostage sequel • completed ✓Where stories live. Discover now