2. Soul Lock

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Anthony just stood there, staring down at Kyrie. His heart rate was still high, his nose beginning to bleed again now that he was slightly focused. He had no idea what had just happened, despite being up close and personal when it did.

Kage made his way over to Anthony and Kyrie. "What the hell happened?" He dropped to his knees and held his ear near her nose, listening, then sitting back up. "She's still breathing, but that still doesn't calm my nerves much." He looked to Anthony, whose face was still overcome with confusion. "Maybe she used too much energy reading you?"

Alexander spoke through a mouthful of pudding. "That didn't happen when she read me." He swallowed, setting the empty pudding cup down as he joined them in the corner of the living room. "The glow was a faint blue or purple, not a bright yellowish-white like that one." He knelt down and picked Kyrie up. "Should we call Anthony's healers? Maybe there's some unwritten law that they can't heal someone else's assigned person?"

Anthony didn't move, but he spoke. "She said that didn't matter...that it didn't matter if she was my healer or not..."

Alexander thought for a second. "Well, they're from the Ai clan too, maybe they'll have an answer anyways."

"Good point." Kage reached into Anthony's pocket and took his phone, scrolling through the contacts after turning it on. "I'll take care of this, just take her upstairs and make her comfortable." Kage stood up and left the room to call Ciara and Skylar.

Alexander turned and headed for the stairs. "Come on, your room is closer, we can just use it for now."

Reluctantly, Anthony followed his brother; he still couldn't comprehend what had happened to Kyrie. So much confusion and fear had hold of his mind, only getting worse the longer she stayed unconscious.


Alexander gently laid Kyrie down on Anthony's bed once he had it cleaned up some. "I'm going to go see if Kage got a call through, just stay here with her." He then left the room.

Anthony sat next to the bed on his knees, his confusion and fear now being replaced with guilt. He felt as though he was entirely to blame for her fainting since it happened after they kissed. He thought that maybe reading him was just a bit too much for her, maybe that was why Ciara and Skylar did individual readings rather then an entire one time reading.

He let out a deep sigh and looked to Kyrie, noticing a small amount of blood under her left eye. Feeling grossed out by the fact that he bled on her, he pulled his sleeve over his hand, leaned in closer to her, and gently wiped the blood off. Once she was cleaned up he looked at her face as a whole.

Anthony noticed her lips were slightly parted, the warm sensation returning to his own as he looked at them. He knew this was just in his head, but he felt like they were calling to him, as though she wanted him to kiss her again. The urge to comply with this was immense, he tried to hold back.

He ran his fingertips along her cheek, feeling the softness of her skin. Anthony could feel another nosebleed welling up, so he held his breath to avoid bleeding while overtop of Kyrie. He leaned in closer, just brushing his lips against hers, feeling their softness and warmth, then closing the distance and embracing her with another kiss.

Anthony felt something on his back shortly after. He pulled back, alarmed, and turned towards the door quickly, expecting to see Kage or Alexander, but he saw no one. Confused, he looked back to his bed to see Kyrie slowly propping herself up a little.

Kyrie looked around the room in confusion, then met Anthony's face. "What happened?" She felt groggy and a bit shaky. "I don't remember coming to your room."

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