26. Secrets and Jealousy (part 1)

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~==~ Wednesday, April 29, 2015 ~==~

~==~ 10:50am ~==~

Pierce pushed Sven against the door of the stall they stood in. He needed to feed every hour and the bathrooms were the safest places on campus to do so. His need now was nothing compared to the weekend, but it was still more then necessary to do this often.

Sven cupped Pierce's face in his hands, kissing back just as hard. This had become the norm for them; they would meet up after class, sneak into a stall together, then make out until just before the bell rang to start class. It was risky since plenty of others stopped in the bathroom before class, but it was something they needed to do. Spending the weekend together made being apart, even for less then an hour at a time, very difficult. Their next class was one of few that they didn't take together, so this had to last.


Pierce pulled back, breathing heavily, and checked his phone. "Shit, we need to go." He shoved his phone back into his pocket and retrieved his bag from the floor.

Sven took a deep breath, grabbed his bag, then peaked out of the stall. "Alright, no one is here." He stepped out and Pierce followed close behind.

They parted ways without another word and went to their class. The break for lunch was an hour away, they just needed to last so much longer. The freedom they would have was a lot greater then what they got between classes.

~==~ 11:20am ~==~

Ira sighed, his attention out the window to his right. The weather was nice and lunch was right around the corner, he debated on leaving with some friends or just going to the cafe around back. He felt off recently, it started around the time Sven showed up and took Pierce's attention. When Pierce came back home Sunday night, he completely ignored Ira's presence and went to bed. They didn't even walk together that morning, so he had to hitch a ride with a buddy.

Ira's attention was dragged back to the class when someone tapped his shoulder. It was Laurel, one of the guys Ira friended early on. "What?"

"You okay man? You've been kinda out of it today."

Ira sighed and looked to the teacher, who was going on about the new chapter they'd be starting next week. "Yeah, I've just got some crap on my mind."

Laurel leaned on his desk. "Like what?"

"Eh, I don't know."

He raised his eyebrows. "How do you have crap on your mind and not know what that crap is?"

Ira shrugged. "I just know it's there, no idea what it's about though."

The teacher's tone turned stern. "Mr. Beit, Mr. Sura, is there something you would like to share with the class?"

A few students turned their attention to Ira and Laurel.

Ira put his hands up in defeat. "Sorry sir, he wanted to disclose a weird fantasy to me."

Laurel's jaw dropped and a few kids laughed. "That's not true at all."

The teacher sighed and resumed his lecture.

Ira, straight faced, stuck his tongue out at Laurel.

Laurel just shook his head and mouthed 'you're dead' before turning towards the teacher.

~==~ 11:50am ~==~

Ira stretched and gathered his things.

Laurel stood beside his desk. "So, what's the game plan for lunch? We can head off campus again with the others."

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