19. New Relationships

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~==~ 12:00pm ~==~

Pierce waited outside of his classroom, Sven told him to not wander off after they let out for lunch. This was his first class so far today that Sven wasn't also in, so he felt stranded the entire time. A few other students tried to talk to Pierce, but it failed overall and they left him to his own devices. He could barely handle trying to keep talking to Kage this morning, having several kids try all at once was way too much.

Pierce looked up to meet the face of who stood in front of him, it was Sven. He perked up now that he wasn't alone and happily followed him to the courtyard.

"Do you need to get anything from inside?"

Pierce shook his head. "I have a really particular diet, I can't eat what they have."

Sven nodded. "Good, I don't feel like going in there right now." He glanced to his right and noticed Kage sitting with his group. "Want to say hi to him before we sit down?"

Pierce looked over to see Kage as well. "Sure."

Sven led him through the crowd of people. "I'm sure he'll enjoy seeing that you're alive still."

Kage looked up to see Sven and Pierce. "Hi guys."

Pierce glanced at everyone else, taking in the faces of who Kage was sitting with; there was a busty girl and two almost identical guys.

"I take it you're settling in okay since you're still standing." Kage laughed mockingly.

"If I'm his guide he's sure to survive at least today." Sven spoke matter of factly.

The guy in red, who was sitting next to Kage, spoke. "Friends from class?"

Kage nodded. "This is Sven and Pierce. Pierce just started today and I found him wandering near the 500s after I left your class."

The guy laughed. "Wow, that's quite the mix up for your first day."

Kage looked back to his friends. "This is Alex." He pointed to the guy in red. "Then that's Kyrie and Anthony." He motioned towards the girl and the identical male in blue. "You're free to hang out with us during lunch if you want."

Pierce smiled weakly. "I don't do too well in large groups, thanks though."

Kage nodded. "I understand, it's hard until you find your own group. Good luck though, I'll see you guys later."

Sven grabbed Pierce's bag and dragged him away without saying anything more. He, too, hated crowds, it was too much on his senses to be around large groups of people like this.

Pierce followed Sven around the side of the school, then stopped to take in the view. They were standing in front of a very large garden, which was filled with several flowers Pierce hadn't seen before. "Oh wow, this is awesome."

Sven gave Pierce a look of approval. "It really is."

Pierce smiled and followed closely, sitting where Sven directed him. "Do you always come back here?"

Sven nodded. "The flowers overpower the smell of everything else. This is the only place I can get a break."

Pierce reached into his bag and pulled out a container full of cut fruit. He offered it to Sven, but he turned it down. "Do you not like fruit?" He put a piece of apple in his mouth, his attention still on Sven.

"I have a particular diet too." He was laid back on the grass, his eyes closed, and a peaceful look on his face.

"Ah, I see, sorry." Pierce looked to the garden. "This really is a nice place, it's refreshing back here."

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