33. First Heat (part 1)

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~==~ Friday, May 15, 2015 ~==~

~==~ 5:00pm ~==~

Sven did his best to be one step ahead of Pierce. As the week went on, he got moody and demanding. As long as Sven could guess Pierce's next move and make sure to be ready it would keep Pierce content.


Right now Sven is standing outside before Pierce so they could head to his car right away. He knew Ira's routine and didn't want him to aggravate Pierce before they left for his place. Sven would never hear the end of it if Ira had the chance to sour his mood anymore then it already was.

Sven smiled and waved to Pierce as he broke from the crowd. He seemed to have perked up a bit since their lunch break, which was good. Sven pulled Pierce into a hug and kissed his forehead. "You seem happy."

Pierce walked with a bounce, smiling as they made their way to Sven's car. "I am, it's finally the weekend and I don't have to go back to my place."

Sven took Pierce's overnight bag and put the strap over his shoulder. "Hopefully I can make this weekend enjoyable then, it's been a while since we've stayed at my place."


Pierce put his bag in the back seat and took his place in the passenger seat.

Sven followed suit and got the car started. "Do you want to do anything specific tonight?" He checked the rearview mirror and watched as cars drove by, waiting for his chance to back out.

"I, hmm, what do I want to do?" Pierce pondered on his desires for the weekend. Sven was halfway out of the parking space when Pierce came up with an idea. "I want to fuck in your outdoor bath."

Sven slammed the break, his face a bright red. "W-what..?"

Pierce, completely unphased by the car jolting, just looked at Sven. "What? I said I want to fuck in your outdoor bath."

Sven took a deep breath and resumed backing out of his spot. "You are way too blunt today."

Pierce spoke very matter-of-factly. "I'm not blunt, I'm horny."

Sven could feel himself getting excited, luckily he wore a baggy sweatshirt and it covered the start of an erection. He just needed to get it down and make it home without crashing his car.


Pierce was full of sexual comments the whole ride to Sven's apartment complex. What made it worse was that Pierce meant every word he said, none of it was said as a joke.


Sven went to get out when Pierce threw his hand onto his lap. "You're hard."

Sven met Pierce's eyes with a dead stare. "I wonder who's fault that is."

Pierce reached in back and grabbed his bag, acting like the random event didn't just occur. "No clue." He hopped out of the car and started towards the lobby.

Sven tried to keep up as much as he could, but he was flustered and horny now too. His mind was a mess and he just needed to breathe before the following week began.


Sven unlocked the door to the condo and let Pierce in. "Just head to my room, we're in the clear to be in there now." He kicked his shoes off and ushered Pierce down the hall to their left. His intention was to set their bags down and retreat to the living room to get his boner down.

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