32. Contract, Contracts...And More Contracts (part 1)

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~==~ Monday, May 11, 2015 ~==~

~==~ 7:15am ~==~

Sven yawned as he drove to their school. He hadn't slept much due to certain reasons, so he was drained and not ready to be awake so early. He tried his best to appease Pierce all weekend since he was in a funk after Friday night, not that he was out of it now.

Pierce kept his eyes out the window as they drove. He didn't speak unless Sven asked him a question, his answers were kept short though. He was a slew of emotions and heavily confused about everything.


Sven yawned one more time while stretching after pulling into the school's parking lot. He needed to be alert and ready to fill papers out, which, energy wise, he was far from. He reached in back and grabbed his bag. "Alright, let's get this done before classes start."

Pierce followed along silently.


Sven knocked on the glass outside of the main office to get the desk attendants attention.

It took her a second, but she was quick to answer the door once she realized it was Sven. "Hi, sorry, is everything okay? Class change needed?"

He smiled and shook his head. "No, nothing like that. Is the dean in?"

The woman turned and looked down a dark hallway behind her, noticing light coming from one of the offices. "He seems to be, do you need him?" She turned back to Sven and Pierce.

"Yeah, I need to talk to him about a few things." He moved aside to allow Pierce to see the woman. "I think you've got an idea on what's happened recently, so I'd like to speak with him about that stuff."

She nodded and allowed the two boys to pass. "Just follow me, you know it's protocol despite the nature of the situation."

Sven nodded. "Don't worry, I know how it is."


The woman knocked on the door and cracked it slightly. "Sir, you have two students here who would like to speak with you."

Derek opened the door and looked over the two. "Ah, Sven, I didn't expect to see you here again just yet." He moved aside and ushered the two in. "Thank you for bringing them to me Lacy." He smiled and saw the woman off.

Sven and Pierce took a seat on the sofa nearest the desk, Derek took the one across from them.

"So, what brings you two here this morning? Are there issues you need me to assist with?" He sat in a relaxed manner.

Sven looked to Pierce, who already had his mouth open and was talking.

"We want to sign a few contracts. Sven and I decided that it would be best for our relationship to go ahead and do this now rather then wait."

Sven was silent but nodded in agreement.

Derek leaned forward, intrigued by what they came for. "Ah, so you want to sign a soul binding contract?"

Pierce nodded. "Also the anti-cheat contract, probably the marriage one too."

Derek raised a brow with curiosity. "After only a month you're prepared to sign an arranged marriage contract? You do realize how undoable those ones can be, right?"

Pierce nodded, completely disregarding the unvoiced warnings that came with what Derek said.

Derek turned his attention to Sven. "Are you alright with signing all these after only a month?"

Destiny Knotजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें