21. Arising Jealousy

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~==~ Friday, April 24, 2015 ~==~

~==~ 12:00pm ~==~

Pierce had made a habit out of eating lunch with Sven, it made the adjustment easier if they spent as much time together as possible. Recently, eating fruit had even become difficult for him, so he was pickier and stuck to apples and grapes over the usual fruit salad mix. He's just glad the apples were still tolerable, he never cared much for the melons or citrus fruits.

Sven yawned. Like usual, he was laid back, his eyes closed. Pierce would be the one to put space between them now, but Sven was clingier then he hoped to be. "So, when am I supposed to find out what the hell you are?"

Pierce swallowed the piece of apple he'd been chewing. "Dunno."

Sven sat up. "How is that fair? You know what I am, why are you still keeping your species under wraps?"

"Seeing you irritated over this amuses me." He popped another piece of apple in his mouth.

"This is so unfair." He laid back again.

Pierce laughed. "I don't care if you find this unfair, it was a shitty thing to happen in the first place. We're polar opposites, yet we're stuck with one another now." He poked through his fruit. "We barely get along too, I don't see how this was smart."


Pierce set his fruit down next to his bag, then leaned over top of Sven. "I do love teasing you though." He lightly blew on his face.

Sven opened his eyes and pushed Pierce's face away. "Shut the hell up."

Pierce laughed. "You're so sensitive."

Sven sat up and pulled his knees to his chest. "I'm sure you are too, so shut the hell up. Leave me alone."

Pierce pulled another piece of apple out of the container. "You'll probably never see a day where you discover what makes me tick though."

"I'm sure I will."

"I don't ever plan on taking it that far with you Sven. So, no, you won't."

Sven's face grew hot. "F-fair."

Pierce laughed again. "So, what do we want to do about the weekend? It was hell for me these past two, I kind of want to avoid spending my entire weekend in bed."

"What if we just stay at one or the others house on weekends until someone can figure out how to split us?"

"I guess that could work, but it can't be my place." He closed his fruit container. "I don't need Ira knowing about this, I'm sure there's still a chance he'll return my feelings."

Sven was a little hurt by Pierce's words, he didn't know why but they cut so deep. "I have a spare room, my sister wouldn't care if I had you over. She doesn't know about any of this either, so if I have you over as a friend then she won't suspect anything."

"What should we do about needing to, umm, kiss every few hours then?" Pierce distracted himself by getting his bag packed back up.

"I'm sure we can manage. No one has caught us yet and we're more likely to be seen while here." He looked out over the garden. "I've noticed that the longer the session lasts, the longer it takes before we need to again. If we get it out of our system before I take you there, I think we should be okay until Mariah goes to bed."

"Speaking of which, we don't have a class together again until 3:00." Pierce turned to Sven, who was already right beside him. "We might as well do this before those girls who water the plants show up."

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