42. My Not So Secret Stalker

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~==~ Tuesday, July 21, 2015 ~==~

~==~ 9:15am ~==~

Kyrie was running a morning errand for the nurses office. She often did this on days that no other classes needed extra assistance. Rather then sit around and be bored out of her mind, this kept her up and moving.

Plus, since Lucky 13 decided to show up more often, this allowed her to get away from him. Not that he was ever too far behind wherever she was. He had been glued to her hip a lot as of late.


She stopped dead in her tracked and turned around, her patience was wearing thinner with each passing day. "Could you please leave me alone while I'm in school? It's bad enough as is that you harass me when I'm trying to sleep."

Lucky 13 manifested behind her, an unamused look on his face. "You do realize that I have every right to follow you whenever I please, right?" He walked up beside her.

Kyrie hated how much he towered over her, it was bad enough as is that Anthony had 2 feet on her, but so did this guy. She sighed and resumed walking. "I still feel like you should allow me my freedom. If I'm going to be stuck with your clingy ass after I die, I'd rather not see you until then."

He laughed. "Trust me, I am far from clingy."

She rolled her eyes, ditching him as she went into the office to drop some things off.


Once she finished speaking with Derek, she returned to the hallway where Lucky 13 still stood. "Do you just not have a life outside of following me around?"

He shrugged. "My presence is not required by the Clan Council, I am a free spirit."

"Dude, then go be a free spirit somewhere else and let me do my own thing." Kyrie had come to terms with the idea that her life was short fairly quickly, but she still wanted to live her remaining days as if he didn't exist.

He kept pace with Kyrie as she started walking. "For such a shrimp, you sure move fast."

She was ready to end her own life to escape him, but knew she would only be doing him a favor. "If you're just going to be a nuisance, please go find someone else to harass. As you can tell, I'm very busy today and don't have time to humor you."


He just kept on with his ways, following her around for the remainder of the day. The only time he disappeared was when she met up with Anthony, but he returned shortly after they parted. In truth, he didn't care for Anthony's existence, the only thing he was after was Kyrie's soul. Plus, they were bound to one another by other means, so he was stuck following her around until the day she died or found a way to live without his soul.

~==~ Monday, July 27, 2015 ~==~

~==~ 3:30pm ~==~

As time went on, ignoring Lucky 13's presence became easier. However, what made it difficult again was that he stepped up his game. Rather then allowing her some privacy, he followed her EVERYWHERE. Bathroom? There he was. She wanted to take a shower? Guess it's a shower for two...despite him being fully clothed. It was driving her up a wall, but she had to learn to tolerate him eventually.

Luckily she was able to change and shower in peace after punching him in his manhood. Despite being immortal, he still responded normally to certain things when he took on a physical form.

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