7. [Mini-Chapter] Anger

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~==~ 10:16pm ~==~

KR threw her pillow across the room as Rose opened the bedroom door. Taking a few deep breaths, gathering herself, she noticed her sister in the doorway. Sighing, she ushered her into the room.

Rose, hesitating slightly, made her way into KR's room. "Umm...hi."

KR ran her fingers through her hair. "So, what happened?"

She thought for a second, trying to concoct a reasonable and believable story that wouldn't piss KR off too much more. "Nothing really." She sat on the edge of her sister's bed. "We just talked a little bit, nothing too significant though." She knew that mentioning that Anthony had 'experience' would cause more harm then not.

KR sat down next to Rose. "Anything feel off about him?"

Rose thought again. "I didn't pick up on anything bad, not yet at least. There's no telling if he's good or bad just yet, it's only been an hour."

KR stared at the wall. "But don't you just feel kind of off around him, like, he just gives off that kind of aura."

Rose shook her head. "I'm not trying to side with him, or make him sound like he's innocent, but I didn't get bad vibes off of him tonight." She looked at the wall as well. "Even with the little bit of information that we got from his brother and Kage, I don't feel like he's a danger."

KR made a disgruntled noise. "I can't believe you're doing this."
Rose, confused, turned her attention back to KR. "Doing what?"

KR looked at the ground. "You're trying to see this how Kyrie does, that it isn't an issue. This is probably the biggest mistake she's made since Vallen. And Vallen wasn't even her own decision."

Rose sighed. "I don't know KR. I love you and I don't want you to think I'm against you, but I don't see him as a threat like you do. I don't like him, but I don't see anything to really hate other then the fact that he's taking Kyrie from us."

KR stood up, making her way over the the pillow she threw. "Isn't that reason enough to hate him? I feel like losing her is definitely a good enough reason to try and chase him off." She picked up the pillow and held it close to her, hugging it to her chest. "There's gotta be something we can do to make him hate being around her, just enough to break them up before the seal completely locks in on him."

Rose sighed. "KR."

She turned her attention to Rose. "Yeah?"

Rose stood up and walked towards the door. "I refuse to help you with this. There's no way we'll get close enough to him during the next two days to do anything. They'll be glued to one another until the seal fully breaks and the contract is gone." She pushed the door open a little more. "You know it'll end quickly since the contract is worn so thin with distance." Then she took her leave, shutting KR's bedroom door on her way out.

KR threw the pillow onto her bed, staring at it as it sloppily fell against the headboard, then a smile came over her face. "Maybe I need to make a call to a certain someone then."


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