26. Secrets and Jealousy (part 2)

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~==~ 12:05pm ~==~

Pierce sat down and leaned against the wall of the building. He took a deep breath to let some fresh air enter his lungs. "Fuck, that was dangerous."

Sven stood in front of Pierce. "Can I ask what the hell that was?"


"Don't 'what' me. I saw what the hell happened, I want to know how it got to that."

Pierce was confused. "Why are you so mad? You weren't the one getting shit forced on you back there. Plus, it's not like you should care."

"I shouldn't care, really? Why's that?"

"It's not like we're dating, why should you care what I do in my spare time?"

Sven ran his fingers through his hair. "You're kidding, right?"

"About what?"

He put his hands up. "You know what, no. I'm not getting into this shit with you right now. If this is how you're gonna act, then have fun sitting here alone Mr. Single." Sven turned to walk away but Pierce shot up and grabbed his arm.

"Sven, please, don't go. I'm sorry." Tears started to well up in his eyes. "I'm so fucking confused right now, nothing in my head is making sense."

Sven hesitated, but he sat down next to Pierce. "That really fucking hurt Pierce."

Pierce sniffled. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pull so hard."

"That's not what I'm talking about."

He turned to meet Sven's eyes.

"How does this not count as dating?" Sven put his hand on Pierce's cheek. "Of all things, why did you have to say that."

Pierce put his hand over Sven's. "I don't know. I know what we do could count, but nothing was ever made official. We still hide when we're together, you never said you wanted this to be anything more then just satisfying the hunger we feel."

Sven leaned in and kissed Pierce, he knew this would help his thoughts come back together, even if just a little. He was gentler then usual, giving Pierce the ability to pull back when he had enough.

Pierce didn't let the kiss last long. "I just, why would he do that? I was by his side for years, pouring my feelings down his throat, and NOW he wanted to make his known."

Sven rubbed Pierce's cheek with his thumb. "What do you want to do then?"

"I don't know." He leaned against Sven.

"Then come with me."

Pierce sat back up. "Where are we going?"

Sven got to his feet and helped Pierce to his. "You're right about one thing, I didn't make this known enough for it to count." He held Pierce's hand and dragged him back into the crowd.

Pierce tried to keep pace, stumbling every so often as Sven dragged him along. "Sven, where are we going?"


Sven took Pierce to the small cafe on the campus, where a few groups of students frequented during lunch. He motioned towards a bench. "Sit."

Pierce, still confused, did as he was told.

Sven sat close to Pierce and put his arm around him. "I might as well show you how serious I am."

Pierce blushed. "O-oh, that's why you did this." He held the strap of his bag and kept his attention forward, no one had even batted an eyelash in their direction.

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