46. Feelings I Don't Want

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~==~ Wednesday, December 23, 2015 ~==~

~==~ 12:00pm ~==~

Kyrie was happy to see how excited her parents were. They had started shortly after her announcement the night before and were preparing to throw a celebration.

KR had come back later that evening and heard the news, she was ecstatic. Vallen, however, hadn't come back with her, so what he was up to was unknown.


Kyrie sat down to relax on her parent's back porch. It was a lovely place to get away from everything going on. There was a bench swing on the far end, which is where she sat, a small glass table with chairs positioned in the center of the deck. All of the railing was engulfed in a flowering vine, several other flower species filling the backyard. The scent and sounds were soothing.

KR had joined Kyrie on the deck and they made small talk while Anthony helped inside.


"So, how are things going with Vallen?" Kyrie kept her eyes closed as she listened to the birds chirping.

"I think they're going okay. He's open with me about everything and I enjoy the attention being back on me." She chuckled.

Kyrie smiled. "I'm glad to hear that." She adjusted herself to a more comfortable position. "Where is he?"

"I'm not too sure, he said he was feeling weird and needed to check on something. I just figured he forgot something at a friends place that we visited yesterday, he may have crashed there."

"Maybe, but that seems unlike him."

"How so?"

She opened her eyes and glanced at KR, who was eagerly awaiting an answer. "He was always quite clingy and loved to talk. I'll admit, I did enjoy that he spoke to me with so much excitement, so it's just a bit odd that he acted that way." She yawned. "Especially out of the blue."

KR rubbed her arm. "Yeah, but he's kinda been like that occasionally since we made things official. I think it's still partially him getting over you, but I'm willing to be patient with him."

Kyrie smiled. "Send him a text, see if he's around. I'm sure our parents would like to see him here for the celebration."

KR nodded in agreement. "I'll let him know we have plans here at the house and see where he is."

Kyrie slowly got to her feet. "Let him know that I requested his presence."

KR looked up at her, somewhat shocked by that statement. "Don't you hate him?"

"I do, but he needs to know about my pregnancy regardless. It's only fair that he's aware, that way he can hurry up and get over me. I don't want to burden your relationship with him if he's still hung up."

KR laughed. "I guess that's a fair way to look at it." She stood up, taking her phone out as she did. "I'll call him now and get things squared off."

Kyrie smiled one more time, then hobbled inside to see if she could help at all.


Anthony was put to good use with hanging streamers and balloons. Kyrie's parents thoroughly enjoyed that some height would come into the family since they've always been on the shorter side.

Kyrie had been told by everyone to just sit still. She was restless though and wanted to help out, so her parents gave her an easy task that requires little energy: writing invitations to some close friends. She recognized a few of the names, but it had been so long that some of them were only a vague memory.

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