48. Awakened

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~==~ Friday, December 25, 2015 ~==~

~==~ 8:45pm ~==~

Kyrie felt a fear beyond comprehension when her eyes met with Vallen's. She was frozen where she stood, unable to even blink to try and break eye contact. He just didn't seem right at all anymore.

Kyrie swallowed hard, glancing towards Anthony for a brief moment. He wore the same fear on his face that she felt inside. After managing to take a single step back, she looked back towards Vallen, who still had his eyes on her.

Through trembling lips, Kyrie tried to speak. "V-Vallen?"

This brought his definite attention her way, he was clearly looking at her now. Tears still rolled down his cheeks and he seemed heavily unaware of everything around him. He took a few steps forward, completely ignoring that KR was standing in front of him.

Kyrie took as many steps back as he did forward. "Are you okay?" Her words shook with the fear she felt.

He backed her against the side of the house, leaving a mere foot between them once she stopped moving. He never spoke and never broke eye contact with her, he seemed like a zombie.

"Vallen?" Kyrie hugged herself tight and pressed herself as far against the side of the house as she could. "Please t-talk to me." Her body was trembling.

As Vallen tried to step forward again, Mhi finally manifested himself. He stood between Kyrie and Vallen, which stopped him in his tracks. "It would be smart of you to step back."

Vallen straightened out his posture, locking eyes with Mhi. He still remained silent, but his gaze alone was enough to say how hellbent he was on carrying this out.

"Do NOT be the one to throw everything I worked for away. You are just as screwed over by this as I am."

Vallen did something no one anticipated, even Mhi hadn't seen it coming. With inhuman strength, he swung on Mhi and sent him flying to his left.

Mhi slammed into the deck, then rolled some and slammed one more time into the guardrail. There was a loud cracking sound, whether it was the wood or Mhi's spine was unknown right now. He laid motionless where he fell.

Vallen shook his hand, then turned his attention back to Kyrie. His eyes were empty, as if he wasn't there anymore. He seemed to be nothing more then a hollow shell carrying out some unbenounced task.

Kyrie looked to Anthony, who was still frozen in place. Tears were welling up in her eyes at this point because she knew she couldn't run. If she tried to run now, Vallen would definitely catch her.

He slammed his fist into the wall immediately next to her head. The paneling splintered, throwing bits and pieces of plastic shards and wood to their feet. He placed his other hand on her cheek, forcing all her attention back on his face.

She was bawling, tears and snot running down her face. She had never been this afraid in her entire life. This moment, right here, right now, clarified why she felt so off around Vallen. He wasn't safe and never had been in the first place.

His words held a sinister tone. "All you had to do was choose me." He slid his hand down to her neck, removing the other one from the wall and placing it on her other shoulder, it was bloody from the impact. Slowly, he brought his hands together over her throat and began squeezing.

Kyrie gasped for air, clawing at his hands with her nails. She forced her eyes to Mhi, who was still laying on the ground. She was going to die if someone didn't do something soon. She was powerless in this state and all her energy was gone.


KR had taken the lid off the outdoor trash can and slammed it against the back of Vallen's head. "STOP IT." Her words trembled as tears ran down her cheeks.

Vallen didn't let up enough for Kyrie to get away, but he loosened enough for her to breath. He didn't turn towards KR, but he spoke. "Fuck off."

She brought the trash can lid down on his head one more time. "You fuck off! Why are you doing this!?"

He let go of Kyrie, turned towards KR, and ripped the lid out of her hands. He threw it aside, glaring at her. "I said fuck off."

Kyrie slid down the wall, choking and gasping for air. Spit ran down both sides of her mouth, combining with everything else into a disgusting mess on her face. She looked to Mhi, pleading without words for him to just get up. She was going to die, she knew this was inevitable now, but she needed to correct Vallen or everything would be ruined. Her voice cracked, the taste of blood becoming more prevalent. "M-hi."

His arm twitched.

"Mh-i!" She fell into another coughing fit.

Slowly, Mhi raised himself up, finding the source of who called his name. His eyes widened when he was the state Kyrie was in, then his attention fell on Vallen. He had no way of stopping another Demi himself, so he just stayed in place.

Her breathing began to steady slightly and she spoke to Mhi's mind. [Please, do whatever you need to so I can stop this.]

He could feel the pain return to his chest. [But I cannot save you if you go through with this. You will be lost indefinitely.]

Her smile was weak. [You promised.]

He gritted his teeth and produced a small, hazy purple orb from his shirt. It was attached to a small chain that he kept hidden. He met her eyes one last time, getting the okay to continue. He snapped the chain and slammed the orb against the ground.

The purple haze dispersed, a shrieking noise following wherever it went. After a short while of it flying around aimlessly, it darted directly towards Kyrie.

Kyrie felt like she was choking again when the haze entered through her mouth and nostrils. Her body felt so much heavier and moving seemed almost impossible.

[You do not have long, act fast or he will not be able to be stabilized.] Mhi was silent for a moment, then he dropped his head in defeat. [It will kill you soon.]

Kyrie fought through the pain welling up inside her body. She knew how to seal Vallen's unstable powers the moment the haze entered her body. If she could throw him off guard now and project the haze into him, she could expel what has caused him to lose hold of his being.


She met Anthony's eyes one last time, tears rolling down her cheeks and a smile across her face. She mouthed two words to him: I'm sorry.

Without hesitating a moment longer, she reached up and grabbed the collar of Vallen's shirt, pulling his face to meet hers. She felt a wave of disgust come over her when their lips met, but the heavy feeling lifted briefly.

Mhi began the extraction of her child, engulfing the energy in what positive force he could so it didn't get destroyed by the corrupt portion of her soul. This was over quickly, the orb safely in his possession as Kyrie's body began to break down.


Vallen's body began feeling light, his consciousness returning to him. He freaked out when he noticed Kyrie was kissing him, which caused him to pull away.

Kyrie felt a different force rush into her body, followed once more by the haze. Whatever forces were now inside her were fighting for control of her own being. Her body was being torn apart from the inside.

Mhi got to his feet, his and Kyrie's eyes meeting. She told him one last thing before her body became engulfed in an intertwining light of deep purple and pale blue.

Once the light settled...she was gone.

All three of the guys, Vallen, Mhi, and Anthony, all collapsed in unison. Leaving KR in the biggest panic of her life.


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