20. Undeniable Feelings (part 1)

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~==~ Monday, April 6, 2015 ~==~

~==~ 8:15am ~==~

Sven sat in class, occasionally glancing back at Pierce. Two weeks ago Pierce joined his class, also being in several others with him throughout the day. The 18th of last month was hell for Sven, he felt ill and his suppressants didn't help at all. Even now, after taking 6 pills, he felt ready to keel over and vomit, his body was disgustingly hot but he couldn't just leave.

[Flashback: Thursday, March 19, 2015]

Sven went to the office and filed a complaint, saying that the school put someone he can't be around in his class. The desk attendant took it into her own hands, knowing his situation well, and did quick background checks on everyone he was in class with. None came back negative as far as matching goes, everyone, including Pierce, was in the green. He ended up making a direct complaint about Pierce, but they aren't allowed to disclose information that the student marks as private, which his entire file was classified.

The head himself stepped forward during Sven's frustration and assured him that Pierce was in no way a threat. Assuming it was just Sven going through a need to up his dosage, he sent him to the school nurse that same day, who had a different story to tell. Apparently, given the nature of his species, this was a warning that a potential mate was close by, but the rejection comes from his own uncertainty and denial of the attraction. So, in other words, Sven was making himself sick by shutting Pierce out.

[End Flashback]

Being hard headed, Sven pushed that idea aside, taking an up in his suppressant dosage into his own hands. He was far from accepting the idea that Pierce was a possible mate, he's another guy after all, there's no way he could match to someone of the same gender like this. No matter how good the idea felt to him, he wouldn't give in.


Sven was getting dizzy from the pain he felt in his stomach, it was a mix of nausea and hunger. He had eaten plenty before he came in, so the hunger he felt was definitely not one for food, it was something different. He just sighed, deciding that he'd ignore going to his next class and head to the nurse instead.



Sven looked up, finding Kage's face amidst the blurry room. "What?"

"You okay? The bell rang about 5 minutes ago and you haven't budged." Kage placed his hand on Sven's back, rubbing gently to try and soothe him.

"Shit, sorry." He grabbed his bag, piled his books back inside, then tried to stand, stumbling and almost taking out a few desks.

Now Mrs. Lawson was hurriedly making her way to Sven; she is a smaller, heavier set woman and hobbled along in an adorable manner. She immediately put her hand to Sven's forehead, noticing that he was sweating slightly but also cold. "Sven, please go to the nurse immediately."

Sven didn't respond, he honestly hadn't even heard a word she just said. Everything was a huge blur and nothing was audible after he stood up.

Kage motioned Pierce over. "Get on his other side, we need to get him to the nurse before this gets worse."

Reluctantly, as he still wasn't over the treatment from 2 weeks earlier, Pierce took hold of Sven on the left.

Kage supported him on the right. "We'll get him to the nurse. Try and get ahold of Kyrie if you can, she should be here by now since she came in early with the twins."

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