39. [MiniChapter] Losing It

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~==~ Monday, June 29, 2015 ~==~

~==~ 4:00pm ~==~

Kyrie observed the combat class, but managed to take down almost nothing as the class went on. There were a few attempts at writing things down in her notebook, but it was either incoherent or unfinished thoughts. She felt drained and couldn't process anything long enough to get a full thought down on paper.

She tried her best to stay focused, but the voice was more persistent lately. It still only spoke her name, but it did so more often and throughout the entirety of the day rather then just at night. Right now was a small break in her mind, so she used that silence to rest her eyes for a little bit.


Anthony put his hands up to signal for Alexander to stop. He looked up to find Kyrie passed out where she sat up in the bleachers. He sighed. "I'm seriously worried about her."

"So am I, truthfully I want to dismiss her from the healer position until she's better, but she won't let me."

The coach noticed that the twins stopped sparing and made his way over to them. "Standing around won't keep your grade up, you two."

"Sorry, I'm the one who stopped us." Anthony ran his fingers through his hair, his attention still on Kyrie.

The coach turned to see where he was looking. He had also noticed that Kyrie wasn't herself lately, but it still shocked him to see her asleep during the sparing. It was in her contract with Alexander that she would always be attentive during his training in the event that he got severely injured. "Is she not feeling well?"

"I'm honestly not sure, she's been like this for about a week now." Anthony looked to the coach. "She says she's okay, but I don't think she's resting at all."

The coach stood in silence for a moment. "I will dismiss you two from training for today, see to it that Ms. Lawrence gets to the nurses office for me." He waved the two of them off. "I'll keep the locker room open in the event that you two aren't back before the end of class."

The twins thanked him and made their way up into the bleachers where Kyrie was.



Kyrie shot up, slamming her head against something as she did so. She winced in pain, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Shit, Kyrie, are you okay?"

She looked to her left and noticed Anthony and Alexander. Anthony was rubbing his chin, so she assumed that's what her head collided with. Despite the tears and pain, she nodded, but she wasn't okay at all.

Anthony put her things into her bag and handed it to Alexander. "Come on, the coach wants us to take you to the nurse." He helped her to her feet.

"I don't need the nurse." She still rubbed the back of her head, feeling her strength leave as she got to her feet.

Anthony caught her as she lost her balance. "Well that's where we're going, whether you want to or not." He picked her up and headed out of the arena behind Alexander. She was small and had no energy to fight him, so carrying her was an easy task for Anthony.


Mrs. Sue, a new healer in the clans nursing staff, greeted the twins when they knocked. "What can I do for you boys?"

Anthony stepped around his brother, revealing that he had Kyrie in his arms. "The coach told us to bring her here, she's been sick these last few days and it's just getting worse."

Mrs. Sue was slow to process who he had, but once she realized it was Kyrie she rushed him to a bed so he could set her down. "How long did you say she's been like this?"

Anthony looked to Alexander. "Since the beginning of last week?"

Alexander set her bag down next to the bed. "I'd say about Monday of last week, but it was most noticeable for sure on Wednesday."

She nodded. "Okay, please let me call the dean before I proceed. Given her occupation here at the school I can't immediately administer care unless her guardian allows it."

Anthony exchanged confused looks with Alexander. "Guardian? Doesn't she live with her sisters?"

Mrs. Sue dialed the number for the dean's office, but she spoke to the twins as she waited. "Yes, she was put under the care of the dean while here in the Akuma Clan. Her father refused to allow her here unless he would take her in." Someone picked up on the other end of the phone before the boys could respond.


Mrs. Sue did a generic reading on Kyrie to search for any issues. She found none. "That's odd."

Anthony searched the nurse for answers.

"I don't sense any immediate issues." She turned her attention to Anthony. "Do you know anything else other then the fatigue that might have her under?"

"No, she just doesn't seem to be sleeping at all."

Alexander joined in. "She seemed to be on alert a lot since the middle of last week."

"Alert how?" Mrs. Sue stood and fixed her attire.

He shook his head and crossed his arms. "She just seemed to always be looking for someone. There were times that it would just be the three of us and my partner and she would look over her shoulder like we were being followed."

Mrs. Sue looked to Kyrie again, who was in a fitful sleep now. "Allow me to call the dean again, I don't know what else I can do for her if there's nothing being picked up."


Derek came down to the nurses office himself when he got the news that nothing came back. He was well aware of what may be causing it, but she was still too young for this to start. Only seeing her in person would reveal what he hoped wasn't the case.

He stepped into the room and immediately went to where Kyrie was. "Still nothing coming back, Mrs. Sue?"

Mrs. Sue sighed as she ended another reading. "Sadly, no. I have never had this issue, could it be her class that makes it impossible to read her?"

Anthony forced his way into the conversation. "Class?"

Mrs. Sue looked to Kyrie's face. "There are some instances where lower class healers can't read higher class one's. I'm thinking that may be why I can't find anything."

While the two of them spoke, Derek looked around the room. He narrowed his eyes on the far corner, his suspicions had been confirmed.

Alexander noticed Derek's attention was fixed on one point, so he looked there as well. The corner of the room was empty.


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