17. Preparation (part 2)

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Kage finally got ahold of his mother. "Mom, hi!"

A woman's voice came through the phone. "Kage? How are you sweetie? What's going on?"

He smiled, it had been a while since he talked to her or his father. "Is dad around?"

The other end was silent for a second. "Yes, your father is home, he's in his study. What's going on? Are you alright?"

Everyone looked to Kage, he was positioned near the door but the volume was loud enough that everyone could hear the conversation.

"Umm, you remember that guy I told you about, the one I live with."

"I do."

"Well, some things kind of happened within the last month and, umm, how do I say this..." Kage was nervous, he had no idea how his mother or father would react knowing he had conceived. He never disclosed his sexuality to either of them before leaving home.

"Sweetie, you can tell me anything. You know your father and I are very understanding."

Kage took a deep breath. "Well, I, uhh, I ended up getting pregnant."

His mother went dead silent, all he heard was a fan in the background. Then he heard quick footsteps going away from the phone. Next he heard some mumbling and then two pairs of footsteps rushed back to the phone. His father's voice came over the line. "Which one?" He sounded frantic.

"Uh, Alex, the one who wears the red in the pictures I showed you."

The two spoke quietly to one another, Kage couldn't tell what they were saying but he heard Alexander's name come up a few times before they spoke back into the phone. It was his mother again.

"How long ago did it happen? Did that Kyrie girl do the blessing?"

His father spoke before Kage got a chance to respond. "Do you know what it'll be?"

"Ooh! I hope it's a little girl! I have so many adorable onesies for a friends baby, oh, but she had a little boy!"

Kage stared at the wall and slammed his head into it.

Alexander, worried that it started going wrong, rushed to his side. "Kage? Are you okay?"

Kage felt his head start to throb.

His mother started yelling through the phone. "Is that him!? Kage? Is that Alex?"

Kage handed the phone to Alexander. "Take it."

Alexander, keeping his left hand between Kage's head and the wall, took the phone in his right hand. "Hello?"

"Alexander?" A woman's voice spoke to him.

"This is."

"Hello again Alex! It's been a long time since we spoke, I'd say we haven't since our baby moved in with you."

"Yes ma'am, I think it's been a while."

"Is it true? Did you knock up our precious son?" A man's voice now.

Alexander's face grew red and he turned to his brother, Kyrie, and the head. "Uhh, y-yes. I did."

The woman's voice returned. "Oh I can't wait! How far along is he? Do you know a gender?" She bombarded Alexander with questions.

"Uh, it's been a month, so we don't know a gender yet. Um, I need you to talk to our school head. We're trying to fill out a contract or they won't allow us to keep it."

"Quickly, give the phone to your dean."

Alexander walked the phone to the head. "Sir."

The head took it. "Hello, this is Derek, I am the head of the Akuma Clan's school. I have your son, Kage, here with me this morning so that we can go about the necessary paperwork to allow this child to stay with them." He paused. "I need your approval, as his guardians, for him to sign an official contract. Since he's underage I cannot allow him to make this decision on his own, especially given the almost 3 year age gap between your son and his partner."

Kage's mother pretty much squealed with excitement. "Yes, by all means, allow our son to sign the contract. We could never have kids of our own, so if Kage wants this then we full heartedly allow him to make the decision." His father made a noise in agreement.

"Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Kuma, I'm going to hand you back over to your son and we're going to finish the contract. I hope you have a nice day." The head handed the phone back to Anthony.

Anthony motioned Kage over and returned his cell phone.

"I'm going to hang up now so I can finish this."

His parents, happy as can be, said their goodbyes to Kage and hung up.

Kage slumped down on the sofa, letting out a sigh. "That went better then expected." Kage reached towards Kyrie, who still had the pocket knife. "I have to do this part, right?"

The head nodded. "You two just need to put blood in the circles and the contract will determine the rest for us."

Kyrie took the liberty of using the knife. She slid it over the surface of Kage's palm, breaking the skin easily as she did so. She then reached out for Alexander's hand, doing the same to him.

Alexander allowed the blood to drip from his hand to the left circle, while Kage did so to the right circle. The contract was slower, but it glowed a faint lavender in response to the blood.

Alexander was calm, but Kage panicked. "That's not good, right? It didn't glow like yours."

Kyrie laughed. "No two contracts glow the same Kage, so as long as it's not red, orange, or yellow, you're safe."

He sighed in relief. "Good."

The head laughed. "Plus, we've never seen a contract get denied when one of the two signing are carrying a child. You were set from the start, it just took getting your parents permission. Luckily for you they were very welcoming to the idea of this situation."

Kyrie, Kage, Alexander, and Anthony all hung out in the heads office while they waited for 8:00 to roll around. There was still about 20 minutes before they needed to get to their classes. The head took care of his morning work while they all chatted. He enjoyed seeing Kyrie finally happy with where she was in life, prior to now she never smiled. He's glad that her father entrusted her to him while she stays in the Akuma Clan.



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