32. Contracts, Contracts...And More Contracts (part 2)

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"Well, yeah, I can elaborate...but once I do, what exactly do you plan on doing with this new information?" She leaned against Anthony, who was now sitting next to her.

Sven shrugged. "It'll put his ass at ease to know though, so I'd appreciate it."

"Alright, has he been in heat yet? You'd know if he has been."

Sven thought for a second. "I want to say no."

Kyrie was quiet while she looked at Pierce. "Do you know what to look for in your partner when they're about to go into a heat cycle?"

Sven shook his head. "Keep in mind that this is the first official relationship I've ever had."

"Okay, well, I want to say that these mood swings are likely the lead up to a heat cycle. Given the vibe I normally get off Pierce, this one is different and reads similarly to an incubus in heat." She paused. "As for an answer to his question, you can't get pregnant."

Pierce turned to look at Kyrie, who had a smile on her face. "Do you think this is a joke?"

She laughed. "Unless you're in heat, that is. You'll have one cycle a month until you conceive. What's unique about your relationship, though, is that you don't need someone to bless you for the child to stick. You'll know when you conceive since Incubus are such a weird species to begin with."

Pierce leaned back, but stayed in the conversation. "Weird how?"

"Did you know that your entire species is naturally female? That an incubus is actually supposed to be a rare mutation?"

Pierce was confused by this. "Wait, what? I come from a family where succubus are almost nonexistent, how is that the truth?"

"Your species are demons of lust, your goal is to breed and feed, well, that's the myth at least. However, what isn't myth is that your species is supposed to be heavily female, like a male to female ratio of 1:10 or so. What family do you come from? Most incubus or succubus families are fairly well known."

  A/N: I know this isn't the true lore behind incubus/succubus, but, once again, this is a world I made up, so some species will be changed in accordance to what I need for my writing.  

Pierce took a deep breath. "Fyzer, my family name is Fyzer."

Kyrie thought. "Oh! Okay, yeah, you're from a fairly unnatural family then. Way WAY back your family was mixed pretty evenly, but I think your...uh, I want to say he'd be your great great grandfather, he decided that only men would stay in the family...right?"

Pierce was shocked that she knew this much. "How do you know this?"

Kyrie wore a guilty look. "Well, as an available healer I need to know things about all students, so I may have read your student files and did some extra research of my own. What did you think the reason behind the change in gender ratio was?"

"Well, like I said, I thought succubus were rare."

Kyrie shook her head. "Nope, the opposite, your family started to kill the women off during your great great grandfathers time. That decision would leave only men to the family and they also found a loophole through using humans as mates. Since a human is a blank slate the incubus could mate easily and produce same gender offspring almost 100% of the time. Your mother happened to be a succubus born into the family on almost nonexistent odds...I won't push anything else beyond that, what happened after that is your decision to share with Sven."

"Yeah...we can save that for another day. But I want to know what makes an incubus the mutation of my species."

She leaned in close. "You sure you want to know? It might freak you out a bit."

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