Chapter 1

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The morning light danced in my room through the open curtain, I enjoyed getting up with the sun, it made me feel like the day didn't go to a complete waste, it also meant I got to spend more time on the beach...alone, as I could watch as the waves crashed gently but firmly on the shore, in no particular rhythm at all, but what a peaceful sound it made. I took out my sketch pad and stared to draw the view in front of me, the deck the sand, the waves and the sun hitting the water at the perfect angle to make it glisten and sparkle in the light.
This is when I felt most happy, most free, with the ocean ahead of me and absolutely no bodyguards for me to try and avoid.
You see I'm the presidents daughter...his only daughter amongst four sons, so I had to be protected at all costs. Even though I am nobody exciting. I love to read, ride and draw, I love animals and children and now that makes me the topic of conversation throughout the world? No that's not right.
"Katherine!" I heard someone behind me call and I jumped, putting an unsatisfactory line through my drawing...agh. I turned and saw my oldest brother, Mark run towards me.
"Markus, how lovely to see you brother, but I would say it's not the time you should be up!" I said trying my best to sound posh but ended up failing at the end as I laughed. He just rolled his grey eyes at me.
"Mom wants to speak with you..." He said and I rolled my eyes.
"Why?" I asked with a smile, I knew exactly why.
"You know why, Kat you have to stop running from your bodyguards, let them protect you." He said, giving me the pointed look.
"Find me a bodyguard that I can have fun with and be me and I will let him or her protect me." I said looking back at my sketch pad and sighing heavily. He ruined it!
"Kat a bodyguard is not supposed to be fun." He said and I smiled at him.
"And that is why I run away from them Mark." I said with a laugh. "I was not born to be followed around nor to be confined in such a massive cage, I want to live, I want to get dirty as I spend time gardening, see things by traveling without bodyguards stopping me from being me, from enjoying myself!" I said to him and he smiled looking down.
"You were always the free spirit." He said. When he looked back up at me he could see that I was serious. "I see where you are coming from, but you also need to understand that you need to be protected." He said and I smiled.
"Oh I know...what would America do without me?" I said and he laughed.
"They would have nothing to talk about." He said. "I will find you a good bodyguard. I love you." He said and I hugged him tight. He has always been my Favourite.
"I love you too Marky!" I said as I kissed his cheek and laughed.
My dark hair blew in my face as there was a change in wind. I loved the wind, it brought about a smell of freshness, and a feeling of freedom.
I breathed in deeply as I looked back at the ocean. Noticing now how the bodyguards began to pile on the beach, frantically looking for the "lost" presidents daughter.
I laughed as they all looked so formal and sheepish as they looked at me.
"Oh you are all tattle tales." I said with a smile as I walked back into the house, feeling them follow behind me.

I walked into the house, closing the door behind me. I must not have been concentrating on where I was walking, because I was looking at my sketch pad, I guess I could try work around the mark but- oof. I walked into someone very tall and very built, almost knocking me to the floor but he caught me in time. Smooth.
"I am sorry Miss." He apologized. I smiled and shook my head.
"No! Don't be ridiculous! It is fine, I was not concentrating so I am the one who should apologize." I said and he smiled. He was very good looking. Tall. Blonde. Hazel eyes. Built yet lean. A kind face. Wow had I walked into Zac Efron?
"It is quite alright." He smiled showing his dimples. "I apologize again, I hope I'll be seeing you around Miss." He said politely and I smiled nodding my head once at him.
"A pleasure meeting you Sir." I said smiling. I don't think he knows who I am. And that made me feel normal, better and not so socially pressured around him.
"My name is Liam." He said extending his hand out to me, I took it and told him my name.
"I'm Katherine, but me Kat." I said smiling at him.
"You're quite beautiful." He blurted out, looking like he shot bambi afterwards. I laughed lightly.
"Thank you Liam, you're not so bad yourself." I said and he smiled sheepishly.
"Katherine! In my office now!" I heard my mother call, I breathed out, knowing that my request would be denied.
"I hope you're not in trouble." Liam said frowning. I smiled walking closer to him, as it was the direction of my moms office.
"I am always in trouble." I said with a wink as I patted his chest.
"I hope to see you soon again." He said with a small smile. I turned around and smiled at him.
"Well I won't be going anywhere anytime soon." I said as I continued walking to my moms office, knowing that I was going to get into trouble.

I kissed my bodyguardOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant