Chapter 30

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*Just a little video to make your day :)* 

"He's been acting very cuddly and loving today." I said, I was feeling giggly and excited about our date tonight.

"Isn't he always cuddly and loving?" She asked as she awkwardly shoved sushi in her mouth and bloated her cheeks making Aria laugh, Jace poked her cheeks playfully. I laughed as my daughter cuddled up to my arm. 

"Yeah, but this time he is saying I love you, even when we weren't doing anything romantic." I said with a faint laugh. "Maybe he accepted the special job offer from my dad." i suggested and Mia looked at me confused.

"What job offer?" She asked sipping on her Martini. it was about 3:00, so it was not that weird for her to be drinking a cocktail so early, I mean if she was taking shots on the other hand...that would be weird.

"My dad realized that Liam is actually brilliant at his job, and the crime rate statistics in america are increasing, dramatically." I explained as i took a sip of my water. 

"So...?" Mia edged me to continue. I rolled my eyes with a smile at her impatience. 

"So my dad offered for Liam to put together a task force, a special task force that will have little to no restrictions attached to the job." 

"Oh, so basically Liam will be like the FBI?" She asked and I laughed.

"Oh no, the FBI has to get answers threw legal action, that kind of stuff Liam is not interested in, and my dad knows that, besides simply placing Liam in the FBI is not something my dad has the power to do." I said.

"Well i think that would be a great opportunity for him, I mean, did he not get fired from the police department for being too extreme?" She asked and I laughed, yes he did.

"Yeah he put the guy on the back of the speedboat and drove it out into the sea until he got answers." I said, shaking my head at my boyfriends extreme methods of getting the truth out of someone, but his extreme ways is what saved me, if it weren't for his ways, I would probably still be there, or I would be dead, so I was really grateful for those ways.  

Mia's phone made a minion sound that indicated that someone was calling her, her ringtone always made me laugh, it was so cute, but she had a ringtone set for all her favorite people, mine was a grown man laughing his head off, Derek's was "The Apple of My Eye", Liam's was the James Bond background music and her boss was the minions, since she hated receiving calls from her, she thought the minions might cheer her up before picking up the phone, and it worked. 

"What was that about?" I asked her when she came back with her vein in her neck popping out a bit, that tended to happen when she was mad, or when she was holding back a scream, which means that Derek will be listening to her vent tonight. 

"The bi-" she began but remembered that our kids were here listening to every word she was saying. "The mean lady, wants me to have this advert done by tomorrow, but she hasnt provided us with models or anything like that, not even a photographer!" She said in frustration as she put her head in her hands. Mia worked in advertising, for a major advertising firm, but since she was still 'inexperienced' her boss walked all over her, and for someone as hard headed as Mia...that was hard. 

"She is trying to make you quit." I realized and she nodded. "Well too bad, because I have a plan." I said as i whipped out my phone, Mia straightened up and looked at me with a brow raised. 

"Oh oh mommy has that look on her face." Aria said and i laughed as I kissed her cheek. 

"Hey Brandon, you in the country today?" I asked. Remember how I said I have four brothers? Brandon is the third oldest, and he just so happened to be a photographer, with an unlimited supply of models. 

"I am unfortunately...why?"

"I need a favor, please. I haven't seen you in six years, you haven't even met your niece and you I think it is about time you met her, and made up for all those times that you were a terrible brother." I said calmly as I winked at Mia, who still had a confused look on her face. Aria was looking at me excitedly. 

"Aunty Mia, do I have more uncles?" She asked with a smile and Mia looked at me for an answer.

"It would seem that way." She said with a worried smile.

"Fine, what do you need?" He asked and I was about to reply when he spoke again. "I have a niece?" He asked and my heart ached a bit, knowing that he didn't even know anything, he didn't know that I had a baby, he didn't know that I was abducted, and he didn't know I was raped. 

"Bring your camera and-" I cut myself off to ask Mia how many models she needed. "three models, one male two female, this is for a Pepsi advertisement, so dress them accordingly." I instructed and he sighed but agreed. "Also, Brandon, maybe get your little niece a little gift, and by the way her name is Aria, do not get that wrong when you meet her." I said sternly and he went silent for a bit. Brandon and I never really got on that well, but we always had each others backs when we needed it.

"That is a beautiful name, I can't wait to meet her, text me the address, see you in an hour little sis." He said and I smiled.

"See you soon." I replied before putting down the phone. "Where do you want to take the photos?" I asked and Mia's whole face lit up with joy.

"Are you serious?" She asked and I smiled and nodded. "Umm, I think the beach would be best, what do you think?" She asked me and I smiled widely at her excitement.

"I think the beach sounds perfect." I said and she jumped across the table to hug me tightly. 

"Thank you for always saving my ass." She said and I hugged her back and nodded with a smile. "Let's quickly go look at a few more outfits, and then we can go?" She offered but I shook my head, I already had three.

"I think I have enough." I said with a laugh.

Mia payed for the lunch as a thank you for 'all my help' which I really appreciated, and we were off to go see my big brother at the beach for the photo shoot. To say that I was excited and nervous would be an understatement, I mean it has been six years since I last saw him, all my other brothers came to the hospital when I was there, all my other brothers came for Aria's birthdays, everyone but Brandon, which broke my heart, because it really shows where his priorities lie.

"Hey, Katherine!" He exclaimed when he saw us walking towards him, he already had the whole thing set up already, since he was already here. Aria was hiding behind me as she looked at her uncle, wary was evident in the way she hid behind me.

"Brandon." I awkwardly greeted as he hugged me. Aria held on to my hand tightly. 

"And this must be, Aria?" He said as he looked at her. Her little green eyes looked up at me, as if asking if this man was alright to greet. I nodded and she went to go hug him. 

"Hello." She said with a little smile. Brandon pulled something out from his jacket pocket and handed it to Aria with a big smile on his face. He had blonde hair and green eyes, unlike my other brothers and I who all had dark hair and either brown eyes or blue, my other brothers and I all looked like our mom, while he looked exactly like my dad. 

Aria opened her gift and smiled at the little shell that was in a velvet box. she loved shells, and I was really glad that he got her something like this and not some big fancy necklace, made of diamonds or whatever, simply because he had missed out on her entire life and wanted to buy her affection, like he used to do with me. 

"Where's the dad?" He asked me and I looked up at him. 

"Liam is at home, and we actually have a date that I need to get ready for." I said, waiting for his expression to change when he heard Liam's name, and it did.

"Liam is the father?" He asked with a huge smile, which confused me, so I frowned. 

"Yeah he is..." I said, but I really needed to go and get ready, so I couldn't stay much longer and chat. "Sorry, we will catch up later if you are still here. Thank you for helping me, it means a lot." I thanked him before kneeling down to Aria. "You be good for Aunty Mia and uncle Derek, okay?" I said and she nodded and wrapped her arms around my neck in a hug, a huge smile on my pretty little girls face. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and said goodbye to everyone. Jace came to give me a hug, and I returned it, scruffing his hair.

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