Chapter 31

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I just finished showering and decided to put on the blue dress, and I wore a black dress on our first date, and things should be kept interesting.
I was terrible at doing my own hair, so I just left it down and straightened it. I was seriously wishing that Mia was here right now, so she could help with my hair, since I was really bad at it. I put on my white strapped high heel stiletto heels and decided to do my makeup pretty well tonight, so I had applied some mascara, foundation, and I even did a wing on each eye, with a smokey eye effect, making my eyes really pop. To finish everything off I applied my red lipstick, I looked at myself one more time in the mirror and I opened the door, instantly smelling Liam in front of me. My eyes widened when I saw him and I slammed the door in his face, earning a frown from him.

"What?" He asked confused. I forgot my perfume! Again! i quickly applied my favorite perfume DKNY Nectar to my neck and wrists, and then reopened the door.
"You smell really good, but I forgot my perfume." I said sheepishly as I looked at his smile. He pulled me closer to him gently and kissed my forehead, sending shivers down my spine and butterflies to erupt in my tummy.
"You look amazing." He complimented. "And you smell amazing." He added with a cheeky look in his eyes and I gave him a cheesy smile.
"Shall we go?" I asked and he nodded, taking my hand in his. My dress was just above my knee and it was comfortable, more comfortable than I thought it would be.
He opened the door for me and I climbed in with a smile, just like our first date. Opening the door for me was not something that he only did on a special occasion, he did this for me every single time I get in and out of the car, even though we have been dating for almost five years, he never ever stopped trying, he never started slacking or getting 'too comfortable', I still got tea early in the morning before I woke up, at the end of every month I would get a red rose and a chocolate in the morning, he always helped me clip my bra after sex, and he has never made me feel like he was using me, he always makes me feel loved and needed.
He climbed in the car and looked at me as I stared at him.
"Everything okay?" He asked, worried as he took my hand in his and squeezing it lightly.
"I am so lucky." I said and kissed him on the cheek lightly, leaving a red mark on his cheek. He smiled and caressed my cheek with his hand.
"I love you so much." He said and I smiled.
"I love you too." I said and he started to drive. "Where are we going?" I asked. He looked at me and pulled a funny face.
"When have I ever told you? This is a special date! I'm not just going to tell you!" He said and I laughed as I bit my lip and looked out the window, the trees were passing by, the sky turned pink and the clouds looked purple, the bright green trees added to the beautiful scenery in front of my eyes, it was like a painting.

We arrived at a place that was lit with fairy lights. Liam came and opened my car door, taking my hand in his and holding it all the while. We were not at a restaurant, but rather on a cliff, by a forest, looking over the beach. A mixture of his favorite place and mine. I smiled up at him as he looked at me, as if waiting for a response, he looked proud of himself, and he should be proud. There were men in suits waiting at a candle lit table with a white rose in a little vase in the middle of the table.
A tear escaped my eye. He did all of this for me?
"Liam." I breathed out as I placed my hands over my mouth.
"I want to show you how much you mean to me, I love you so damn much." He said and I smiled as another tear slipped from my eye. He wiped my tears away, kissed my forehead and lead me to our table. I was speechless and so happy. We sat at our table and drank glasses of champagne while we ate our food, which was sushi, in a semi small portion because it was apparently a starter and we were having our mains elsewhere, and we talked about everything, as if it was our very first date. And just like that I was falling even more in love with him that I already was.
"Are you ready?" He asked when we finished our sushi and champagne. I smiled and nodded.
He took my hand and led me to the car, I didn't think it was a good idea for him to be driving seeing as we had already drank two glasses of champagne, and I was about to argue when he opened the back door for me to climb in, and he climbed in after me, wrapping his arm around my waist.
"Thank you Jack, you know where to go." He said as he shook hands with the driver.
"Yes sir, good evening Miss John, Mr Carnes." The driver said politely as he started the car. I smiled up at Liam and put my head on his shoulders. My hand found it's way to his thigh and rested there happily. He planted a kiss on my forehead and pulled me closer. I gave him a kiss on his neck. And he placed his hand on my upper thigh, which turned me on, probably th alcohol.
"You are not allowed to turn me on in a car, Miss John." He whispered in my ear. My stomach was in a flip as he said that and goosebumps went down my entire body.
"Says you." I whispered back, to which he just 'mmm'ed me, I smiled to myself and but my lip.
"We are here." The driver said after a ten minute drive. I smiled and looked out the window...we were at MacDonalds. I laughed with joy and looked at Liam who was waiting out of the car for me, his hand extended for me to take.
"Macdonalds?" I asked with a smile. It has been ages since I have been to MacDonalds.
"Yeah, I believe so." He said as he looked at the fast food restaurant with an amused smile. I laughed and took his hand as he lead me into Macdonalds, where a tired lady at the counter greeted us with boredom. I looked at Liam with amusement. "Don't worry we not here for long." He whispered in my ear with a proud smile and I frowned.
"What can I get for you?" She asked with a yawn, making me smile at her. She was very pretty with messy long brown hair and big green eyes, freckles spotted over her face.
"Two Big Macs please and two medium Creme Sodas." He said and I laughed. This was really unhealthy.
"Is that all?" She asked through squinted eyes and he nodded and chuckled. When she opened her eyes and saw Liam she was way more awake, making me laugh. "L-Liam?" She stuttered and he smiled at her.
"Hey, Amy." He greeted, making me feel a little uneasy about her, but I knew I had nothing to feel uneasy about.
"Oh my fucking god! What are you doing here?!" She cussed and jumped over the table to engulf him in a hug, I laughed lightly at his stunned expression.
"Babe, this is my little sister...Amy." He introduced and she looked at me, her smile fading. Well that's odd.
"Babe?" She asked looking at Liam. He smiled widely when he looked at me.
"Amy this is Katherine." He clarified and her smile returned, wider.
"No fucking way!" She said as she hugged me tightly.
"Hey." I laughed.
"10 years later and he is still in love with the girl that saved his life." She said with a big smile on her face making me smile.
"She's a keeper." Liam said as he brought me closer to him.
"Clearly." She said with a smile. "It was really great meeting you again, Katherine! You've gotten so beautiful." She complimented and I blushed, Liam holding me close.

We got our orders and parted our ways with Amy. I quite liked her, and I was glad I got to meet her, she was so much like Liam, but also so different.
"I had to introduce you, before the end of the night." He said and I smiled.
"I like her, she's so sweet." I said honestly and he chuckled and kissed my forehead. I took a sip of my creme soda as we walked on the beach.
"You like everyone." He said and took a bite of his burger. I laughed and shrugged, knowing he was right. We were walking with our shoes in our hands, until Liam stopped us by a log placed by a pit in the sand. There was already wood and everything needed to light the fire right next to the pit. He sat me down on the log as he lit the fire. I sipped on my drink as I watched him light the fire, his white shirt was rolled up past his forearm, showing off his veins in his arm, that was so hot. I bit my lip as I watched him, his muscles flexing as he did what he did.
When he was done he stood up and dusted himself off. He reached for his phone in his pocket and searched for something. And then I heard it...our song. I smiled as I looked up at him. He placed the phone on the log next to me and took my hand in his and lead me to a place where we could dance.
"You know you mean the world to me?" He asked and I smiled and nodded, my head was rested against his chest and my heart was beating normally, I was calm. "You are everything I could ever ask for. You have provided me with so much happiness in the space of a minimum five years and a maximum 10 years, you have pushed me to be a better me, the best me...I will always remember the way you taste and how it feels to have you in my arms, I can never forget that. I never want to forget that." He said and I looked up at him. We stopped swaying to the music and he looked deep into my eyes. My heart was racing again. He went down on one knee and brought out a velvet box with a silver diamond ring inside it. My hands went to my mouth and tears rolled down my cheeks for the second time tonight. "So I ask you, Katherine John...will you be my one and only for the rest of my life? Will you marry me?"

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