Chapter 3

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Last night I packed for Miami and I have never been more excited to go away from this place. The tension in the house was growing as there was a threat of a war outbreak between America and Scotland. My dad was planning on shipping my family, all excluding him (he said something about a captain never leaving his ship), to England or Ireland, maybe Africa if the whole of Europe decides to join.
I got my bags when I heard a soft knock on my door, I knew it was Liam informing me it was time to go. I opened the door, afraid that calling out to him would wake up someone in the house. Despite the size of the house, our family preferred to be close together so the rooms were closer.
"Are you ready?" He asked and I nodded, smiling up at him.
"I just need to get dressed, feel free to come in and make yourself comfortable, I'll be out in five minutes tops. I promised, as I grabbed my denim boyfriend jeans and white spaghetti strap shirt and walked into my bathroom, I brushed my teeth and hair, then tied my hair in a messy ponytail. I walked out of the bathroom and into my room, finding Liam standing at the edge of my bed.
He's so hot. I scolded myself for the thought but let out a sigh, knowing that he was very very easy on the eyes. His dark brown hair was messy as usual and his chocolate eyes had melted my heart the first time I saw him, and they still did.
"You could have taken a seat you know." I said smiling as I grabbed my Miami bag along with my sling bag and I realized he was staring at me. I looked back up at him with a confused look, touching my face, by my mouth, checking to see that I didn't have any toothpaste around.
"Do I have something on my face?" I asked feeling my cheeks heat up. He took a few steps towards me and I had to crane my neck to look up at him. His eyes got darker and he ran his fingers through his hair, he cleared his throat and I saw him glance at my chest a couple of times briefly, but now he just looked at my eyes, trying very hard not to look elsewhere. I frowned but looked down at my chest. Seeing that my shirt had gone down and exposed my plain white bra. I let out a nervous laugh and tugged it up. He looked back at me and scratched the back of his neck.
"Are you ready Miss John?" Liam asked, clearing up the air between us slightly. I nodded and got my two bags, he tried to take them for me, but I pulled them back.
"I can take them, thank you Liam." I said with a smile, he looked like he felt awkward about it.
"It is not your job to take my things, Mr Carnes." I said and he smiled and cleared his throat, I am very stubborn, I have very strong views and I like to do things on my own, even if it's as small as picking up my shell and carrying it back home, or taking my own suitcase.
"You know my surname?" He asked and I laughed lightly, a little bit of red tainted his neck.
"Of course I do, I also know that you know your way around a saddle." I said sending a wink in his direction, he looked absolutely shocked that I knew a thing or two about him, which made me smile at the really cute expression he pulled when he was confused.
"How do you know?" He asked as I exited my room, him following suit.
"Well you see I simply googled you, then when nothing came up I found you on Facebook." I said shrugging as if it was completely normal to stalk your bodyguard on Facebook...
"You stalked me?" He asked a slight smirk on his face which would have made any other girl blush, but you see I have no embarrassment is very rare I get embarrassed, I mean when you have random people invading your personal space every chance they get you kind of learn to just deal with it in a calm manner and not show any signs of being embarrassed because it only makes matters worse for you.
"Yes I did." I said shamelessly and he let out a light chuckle.
"Aren't I supposed to be protecting you from people like you?" He asked with a smirk and I smiled cheekily at him.
"Indeed you are." I said as I kept walking so we wouldn't miss the plane, Daniel was never happy if I was late.

"Katie you are late." Daniel said as he strode over to me, despite his complaint he had a bright smile on his face, as per usual. I rolled my eyes and gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek.
"Oh hush, you have nothing better to do anyway." I said and it was his turn to roll his eyes.
"Actually I have to take Tim to England later today for a conference." Tim was my eldest brother, he is 34 and is basically my dads second hand. He goes to some of my dads conferences when my dad couldn't, and sometimes I think he does a more impressive job than my dad does.
"The British love Tim, in their eyes he can do no wrong." I said and Daniel nodded with a shrug.
"That is true but I'd still rather he did not kill me for potentially ruining his reputation with the Brits." He said and I laughed, he's such a baby. We were making our way up to the plane Liam was following behind me, he was back to being intimidating, rock hard bodyguard.
I sat in the first seat I saw and Liam looked like he was about to sit at the end of the plane, but he also looked really uncomfortable, like he didn't know what to do or where to sit. I laughed and he looked at me.
"Liam don't look so uncomfortable, come sit next to me, it's going to be an hour or so flight, might as well have some company." I said giving him a bright smile.
"You sure Miss John?" He asked. I frowned. I don't know why he would call me miss John then back to Katherine then Miss John again. But regardless he took a seat next to me, looking uncomfortable at first but then easing his way into it the more we spoke during the flight.

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