Chapter 18

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"Kat, I love you." He whispered, his forehead against mine. I felt safe and at home again, all my problems were unknown now that he was with me.
"I love you too." I replied reaching up to hiss him, but he pulled away coldly, leaving me feeling lost and confused. "Liam?" I whispered.
"But you used me." He said before he scowled at me. A girl new in his arms, she was beautiful, her long blonde hair flowing in the wind.
"Liam?"  Was all I could get out before tears rolled down my cheek. Before I could even blink an eye I was in the middle of the road, looking at Liam lying on the floor screaming for me, and then I heard a hoot of a car and myself scream.
I shot awake and saw Rags staring at me with what almost looked like half sympathy in his eyes...I was probably seeing things.
I brought the thin blanket up and wrapped it around my whole body, so there was nothing to provoke him. I couldn't wear my pants with any comfort yet, but straight after he did what he did I put them back on any way.
I felt dirty and disgusting, used and abused but I knew I was going to be found, and I was going to get through this! Whether it's in an hour, a week, a month or a couple of years, I know I will be found, and I know it will all be okay someday.
Just...not right now.
"Are you thirsty?" Rags asked. I looked up at him and pulled my blanket up higher but nodded. "Marina! Lady Katherine is thirsty! Please bring her some water, tea and a change of clothes, and some food." He said, I was confused, but I appreciated what he was doing.
"Rags heard wha' happen, Miss." He said with sympathy. I couldn't hold back my tears as I remembered it too. I just looked down. "Rags so sorry. Boss said he was going hold you hostage...for money. Said Rags get 20%, said it was lot. Rags thought you could be friend. I not know." He said as he put his head in his hands.
"Marina told Rags, she says it hurts you. Boss is bad man miss, Rags sorry, Miss." He said trying to come closer to the bars, but I stepped back. I believed his apology, and I felt bad for thinking he was bad when I first arrived, he just looked bad, but I guess looks can be deceiving. 
"Rags, step away from the bars son, she will still be scared." A feminine voice said. She was coming down the stairs with a tray of food, while two big men followed with water and clothing. I felt a little less uncomfortable as I realized there was another woman in this hell.
She seemed to be in her 40's but she was beautiful, except she had bruised on her cheek, collar bone and arms, she also had strangle marks around her neck. I gasped and came close to the bars to see her.
"Sorry Marina." Rags said as he stepped away from the bar.
"Are you okay dear?" She asked as she handed me some clothes. I nodded slowly as I stared in disbelief at the state she was in.
"Are you?" I whispered. She laughed and nodded her head.
"I'd rather get hit a thousand times than to go through what you had to. I am so sorry." She said. I nodded. She handed me a bottle of water and a cup of tea that had a bit of milk and it tasted like it had three sugars in it...just how I like it.
I frowned, wondering how she knew.
"Joe told me." She explained and I looked down, remembering that he had betrayed my family, he had betrayed me.
"Get some rest, it is now 11:25, Mr Grace comes home at 5:00." She warned and I nodded as fear whelmed up in my belly. "I wish I could help, but my family is in danger if I do...all of ours are." She said, choking up. I felt bad for them, I also understood why they wouldn't help me, I couldn't ask them to put their family's lives at risk to help someone they don't even know deserves that help.
I touched her hand through the bars and smiled at her. I was grateful that I had people to talk to. I was grateful I had a woman here. I was grateful I was alive, and most of all, I was grateful that I knew people were going to find me.
"Get some rest." She said as she touched my cheek in a motherly manner. I nodded and made my way to my bed, still wrapped tightly in my jacket.
Once I am found, I am going to help all of these people.

A month had passed and I was constantly being used as Mr Grace's sexual toy at exactly 5:00 every day, the second he got home. Those times would tear me to shreds and I'd still fall asleep crying, still think of Liam throughout the whole process in order to try make it better, and it did help, not much but it did.
Between the hours 7-5 Marina, Rags, Meat and Bones would come visit me, play some cards, bring me tea and lunch and try cheer me up, that made my days a little more bearable.
I started speaking to Marina by day 3 here and i told her all about Liam and how I messed it up. She gave me good advice that I'd definitely use the minute I'm back home. Rags and I started speaking a little and I learnt that his parents both died in a fire when he was three and that Marina had taken him in. When she was captured by Grace and his men he was the only one with her in the house while all her other children were at school and her husband at work. He never got an education and he never got the chance to be taught how to talk properly or read properly as Marina was always  busy for Grace.
Meat and Bones were big and intimidating men, but they were just as much a victim as Marina and Rags. They don't talk as much to me but they teach me different card games...some involve alcohol, which made me laugh.

It was 4:35 and Bones and I were playing Crazy 8's when I heard the slamming of he front door. We were all confused, wondering if Grace had come home yet, and if he did....we were all dead because none of them were allowed to socialize with me, and they were all gathered here watching me beat Bones at the game he taught me.
"Bones?" I asked and I backed up. I grabbed my blanket off the bed and covered myself again, I watched as they all scattered about, terror clear in their eyes. There were loud footsteps heard on the stairs and then I heard it. The most amazing thing I've ever heard.
"Oh my god Katherine! Fuck, I found you." Liam said and he ran down the stairs I ran to the bars to see him there he had tears in his eyes and so did I.
"Liam?" I asked as I held his hands that clenched the bars.
"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded and shook my head at the same time as I cried.
"Get us out of here please Liam." I begged and he looked confused as to who the "us" was. "He has us all captured." I said. I knew I wasn't making any sense but I was so overwhelmed with emotions I didn't know how to express myself. "Bones, Rags, Meat and Marina come out I have help." I said happily as I looked at Liam. He looked behind him as the four of them stepped into the light.
"Good god, what has this man done to you people?" He asked and I shook my head.
"Terrible things but we need to go now! He always comes at 5:00, and I can't do this anymore." I said with terror as I realized the time was running out. Liam gave his phone to Marina and told her to call 911 while he pressed the button on his jacket to notify all the other body guards where we were.
"What has he done to you?" He asked and I cried at the look in his eyes.
"I dreamed about you every night, I believe you Liam, I always did and I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you earlier. I love you so much." I said.
"You do? You believe me? Do you remember?" He asked and I nodded smiling, his smile grew as he knew that I remembered everything this time. "Stand back, I'm going to shoot the lock open. I'm going to get you out of here. And when I do I want you to tell me what this sick basta-" he began but he was interrupted by Grace's booming voice.  I didn't even have time to hug him before he pulled me behind him quickly.
"Who the fuck do you think you are?!" He yelled, Liam pulled out his gun and turned around to face Grace as he walked down the stairs. Two of Grace's bodyguards came in behind him holding, but they were still reaching for their guns. Liam shot the first one dead in the knee, the second one in the shoulder. 6 more bodyguards came into the room, with guns ready, Liam protected me with his body, we walked backwards, his eyes were focused on the bad guys, while he focused on protecting me.
He looked at Marina who had called 911 and had already given them the address and the situation. They should be here any minute.
"Kat get out of here, baby, I'll be with you soon." He whispered to me. I wanted to protest, but although his voice was gentle, his tone was final. I nodded and left his side to leave, I heard a gunshot and I saw it was Liam who had shot someone, so I kept going. Another two shots, thinking Liam was hit I ran back to him.
"Kat I am fine keep going!" He said. I ignored him and ran to him. He pulled me behind Grace's cars, Grace barked orders for his men to kill us.
"I'm not leaving you." I said with no room for argument in my tone of voice.
"Please Kat, let me save your life." He begged but I shook my head.
"Not if it means I lose you. I'm with you until the end." I said and he smiled at me, not a happy smile, but a loving smile, to which I returned as I kissed him.
I heard another gunshot, my ears were ringing, I felt a tremendous pain in my right side of my stomach. I touched it and saw red liquid pouring out of me.
Another two shots and my shooter went down, dead before he even hit the ground.
"No! Kat!" Liam exclaimed as I fell down on my knees gasping.
"I'm fine Liam." I said as he cupped my face.
"I love you, we will get out of this!" He promised and I smiled.
"I know we will." I said and he kissed me gently.
Another two gunshots were heard, but when I looked to the side to see what was going on I saw men in black suits filing into the house, guns raised, ready to fight. I smiled up at Liam.
"You saved me."

I kissed my bodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now