Chapter 2

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I walked into my moms office and closed the door behind me. Placing myself at the edge of the couch, I always got uptight going into my moms office, we were really close, but not when we were in her office, then she was the First Lady and I was someone in need of disciplined. I sat there as she looked though papers, probably the bodyguards profiles. She looked at up at me, her grey eyes piercing through my green ones.
"Mark told me that you are expecting a fun bodyguard." She said raising her eyebrow at me, and I gave her a cheesy grin.
"I can't be trapped in this cage anymore." I said helplessly as she glared at my smile.
"You are the presidents first daughter, do you honestly think that he, or I, will let anything happen to you?" She said while she removed the glasses from her face and placed them on her desk.
"I'm not asking for no bodyguard! I'm asking for a fun bodyguard...what's so bad about that?" I asked.
"Kathrine, do you think that a fun bodyguard will be a good bodyguard? Let alone the best bodyguard we can find?" She asked, and I could see where she was coming from."
"No, but staying here in this house all alone is killing me! I need to go out, go for a ride, swim, fall in love." I said laughing a helpless laugh.
She gave me an empathetic motherly look as she made her way around the table to me.
"Katie, I can't promise you a bodyguard that will be as free spirited and fun as you, but I can promise you that I will get you another horse, build extend the yard especially for you to ride, I'll talk to your father about letting you go to school, if you would like, and maybe every month or two you can go down to Miami for a week away from this madness." She proposed and I smiled widely as I jumped up from the couch and hugged her.
"I love you so much mom." I said and then looked at her, I could tell that it was hard for her, but I wasn't going to oppose. "Although, I don't think I need another horse, Dancer is enough." I said and she smiled at me, knowing I had raised that horse from a foal.
"Sweetie I don't want to see your beautiful and free spirit crushed. But then I will be giving you the best bodyguard in the business, even if it means he or she is a dull and boring man or woman." She said and I smiled and nodded.
"Deal." I said with a massive grin on my face.

The next few weeks consisted of potential bodyguards coming in and out of my moms office, the yard was being extended as promised and they were now adding more jumps to the now larger arena.
I was wearing a long flowing blue dress today, my hair loose and wavy as usual, but it was covered a bit by my floppy sun hat. I was bare footed but nobody would notice, as my dress reached the floor.
I made my way down to the beach, my sketchbook in hand with a few pencils and my eraser, it was not sunrise, or early morning like I usually do it but it was late afternoon and it was a beautiful day and the sky was a magnificent mixture of bright hues. I smiled as I made my way to the dock, there were dolphins playing in the waves, I let out a laugh and ran down to the beach, holding my floppy hat in place on my head as I ran. Splashing in the water and following the dolphins as they swam. A dolphin is my Favourite sea animal, they are so majestic and free, I guess I envied their freedom a bit.
"Miss John." I heard an unfamiliar yet familiar voice call. I had heard that voice somewhere, but must have been a while ago because I can't pin a face to the voice.
I turned around and saw a brunette man standing on the dock, Liam. I smiled as I walked towards him, in my mind I was wondering why he was wearing a suit...he looked good I can't lie, but the curiosity took over.
"Hello!" I said when I made it to the docks, his face was more serious than the last time, more formal and I realized what he was to me now. My face fell slightly as I looked at him. I was disappointed because I thought we would be good friends, get along well, but none of my bodyguards try to know me, they all ignore me and follow me around making sure I don't die so they don't lose their job. "Oh." I said with a light laugh, I looked at the floor of the dock and then back up at him.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked letting his arms go from their stiff position behind his back and fall to his sides. He looked at me and his eyes softened.
"It felt good that someone spoke to me normally." I said sheepishly as I laughed lightly turning around and looking back at the sea, the dolphins had gone further west, and I smiled as I looked at the sky.
"You know what I am now?" He asked, making me turn around to look at him with a frown.
"I think you mean who you are now." I said and he sighed but nodded. I walked closer to him, but not too close. "You're my bodyguard, but I am hoping that you won't treat me like a crystal that can't do anything." I said and he looked at me confused.
"You're the presidents daughter." He said and I laughed.
"Yes I am, and you're my bodyguard slash friend." I said with a smile and he shook his head.
"Miss I have a job to do." He said and I rolled my eyes.
"If you think that I will sit around and do nothing then you are wrong, Liam. I am no average girl, yes I am the presidents daughter, but I can't be caged, and I can't have too many serious times, I literally can't, I'll die." I said dramatically and he laughed shaking his head. He took a step closer to me.
"You definitely are quite something Miss John." He said and I laughed. He smelt good, fresh, like the forest mixed with the ocean.
"Don't try to hold me back. It will cause rebellion." I whispered in his ear, I felt him shiver and tense. I smiled and turned back to my sketchbook.
"We leave for Miami tomorrow." He said after clearing his throat. I looked back at him. So soon?
"Is there a specific reason why we are going so soon?" I asked and he shrugged.
"Mrs. John just told me that I must take you to Miami. So I don't think that there is a specific reason, no." He answered and I smiled happily. For once there was no reason or threat for having to go away.
"Do we fly?" I asked and he nodded.
"We fly privately, of course, and we leave at dawn, Mrs. John informed me that you'll be awake just before dawn anyway." He said and I laughed at how well my mom knew me.
"Thank you, Liam." I said and he nodded, going back to being stiff and bodyguardish. I laughed and rolled my eyes and he looked at me with a confused expression.
"So you're the best in the business?" I asked as I kept sketching.
"Apparently." He said and I smiled, he is going to be fun, I will make sure of it.

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