Chapter 33

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"Mommy what's for supper?" Aria asked as she munched on her bacon. We had saved her some breakfast before picking her up.
Liam gave me a happy smile, I growled at him and he winked at me, making me laugh.
"Roast chicken, princess." Liam said with a proud smile on his face. Liam stole a piece of her bacon and plopped it into his mouth as he continued to smile cheekily at me.
"Daddy! That's my bacon!" She said as she folded her arms over her chest, causing me to hold back a laugh at Liam's guilty face, all the smug expressions were wiped off his face now.
"I'm sorry, princess." He said as he looked down at his hands, pretending to feel more guilty than he actually did.
"Daddy, next time you steal my bacon I won't be your princess anymore." She threatened, he looked at me as I was turning red in the face from trying not to laugh.
"You'll always be my princess." He said smoothly.
"Be careful daddy." She said as she munched on her bacon 'menacingly'. I smiled proudly at my little girl who was so going to be perfectly fine when she grows up.
"Ari, how about when you finished eating we go to the beach?" I offered and she nodded happily.
"Mommy?" She asked as she looked at my ring.
"Yes monkey?"
"Who have you that ring?" She asked and I smiled looking at Liam who was clearing the plates. He gave me a wink and her a kiss on the cheek.
" would you feel about being mommies flower girl?" I asked and she frowned, putting her head to the side.
"What that?"
"It's, do I explain it?...Liam?" I called, I was terrible at explaining things, but Liam was pretty good at it.
"Google images, Babe." He offered and I shot up to go get my phone. I googled 'flower girls in a wedding' and showed Aria the photos. She smiled and nodded.
"Mommy getting married?" She asked excitedly and I nodded with a smile. "I'm sorry daddy, next time." She said as she gave Liam a pat on the shoulder, making Liam look at her with confusion.
"I'm marrying your mom." He clarified and she folded her arms and looked confused again.
"I thought you were married already?" She asked and he looked at me to explain.
"Well yeah we are, but we making it official now." I said and she made an 'o' shape with her mouth and smiled widely at us.
"I'm going to be a flower girl!" She said excitedly as she ran skipped up the stairs to get ready for the beach. Liam and I smiled happily at her before going and getting dressed, he wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my forehead as we climbed the stairs.

We arrived at the beach, placing our cooling box down with our towels and Arias toys.
"Should we go for a swim?" I asked Aria and she nodded happily. Liam joined us and held her one hand as I held the other. I decided to wear my black bikini today and Liam was in his blue board shorts, Aria was in a cute 'bikini thing' that had the little mermaid printed on it and frills on the bottom. We platted her hair into a french platt, she looked adorable!
"One two three...jump!" Liam counted and we lifted her at once and she jumped, giggling with glee as the water splashed her belly. She had her water wings on as well so we could teach her how to swim in the sea a little, obviously with both of us here.
We took her to a place where the waves were light and told her to swim to us, which she did, and she did it very well.
By the time we got out of the water we had granny fingers and granny toes, so we all sat down by our towels and got a drink out, Liam had a coke, Aria had orange juice and I had lime and water.
Aria was building sandcastles while Liam and I were tanning while reading our books. I started to get hot and decided to go for another swim.
"Anybody want to join me for a swim?" I asked but they both declined, so I went for a swim on my own. I dove into the waves that were about to crash and floated on the waves peacefully.
"Hey!" Someone called. I looked behind me to see a man approaching me. He was really good looking with blonde hair and green eyes. I smiled awkwardly at him as he started getting too close.
"Hi." I said with a small smile.
"You're really beautiful." He complimented and I let out an awkward laugh.
"Ha ha thanks, um I should go." I said and began to leave the water but he grabbed my hand. My eyes widened at him touching me. "Um, please let me go." I said sternly. But he just smiled a boyish smile at me.
"How about we grab a coffee or something?" He asked, completely ignoring my command.
"No thanks, I have a fiancé." I said and he smiled wickedly at me.
"You don't look old enough to have a fiancé." He said, his grip getting tighter on my wrist. I looked back at Liam but he wasn't looking. Damnit.

Liam's POV
I was building sandcastles with Aria when she suddenly interrupted our small talk.
"Daddy...who's that man with mommy?" She asked and I looked to where I found a guy holing Kat. I gritted my teeth as I saw she was struggling to get him off.
"Stay here, princess." I said and she nodded slowly at me.
I ran to the water and swam to where the man was holding my fiancé.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I growled at him. He looked at me and his smile grew. I pulled Kat closer to me and she held my chest. She could barely stand, but I was on good ground.
I knew she hated violence so I looked at her calmly. "Baby, Aria is on the beach waiting for you." I said and she nodded, catching on to my hint and she started swimming away. I looked back at the guy who touched the wrong woman.
"Hello Liam, did you miss me?" He said and I clenched my fists.
"Samuel, how the fuck did you escape?" I asked through gritted teeth.
"I heard that you were getting hitched, brother!" He said.
"You had better stay the fuck away from her, or I swear to god I will fucking kill you, just like I killed the man you sent after her." I promised and he looked shocked.
"You mean...?"
"Grace is dead." I clarified, his face fell when he heard that. "Stay the hell away from her, or I will kill you too." I threatened and he hid his fear, but it was there.
"You'd kill your own brother?" He asked with a smirk.
"You are not my brother, you were my friend, but now you have threatened the person I love and I will not hesitate to putting your head on a stick." I said and he laughed.
"And who gave you the authority to do so?" He asked. He was right, I haven't taken Kat's dad up on his offer yet, but I sure as hell will now.
"The president." I said and he swallowed.
"Well then, I guess I will be seeing you around then, brother." He said and I glared at him, looking back to my daughter and Kat, who were building a sandcastle. "That's a beautiful family you have there." He said before he left the water. I got out and joined Kat and Aria. Kat gave me a worried look and I smiled and kissed her forehead.
"Liam?" She asked, I smiled a small smile at her and told her I will tell her later and planted another kiss on her forehead.

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