Chapter 5

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I decided to wear my red bikini and a white floral dress that came up to my mid thigh.
I brushed my teeth and hair then went downstairs and packed some drinks and snacks for us in a cooling box. I grabbed the Coca Cola and the Fanta pineapple and put it in with a bag of chips and ice, I didn't really think that one through but it doesn't really matter if the chips are cold, just so long as the cold-drinks were...well, cold.
"Hey are you ready?" I heard Liam ask as he walked into the kitchen.
"Yup just packing a picnic for us, you probably wouldn't know this but I like staying at the beach for hours on end." I said smiling down at the cooling box.
"Now I know. I also love the beach but I prefer Forrests." He said, I looked at him surprised, but I can smell the Forrest on him, that was the fresh smell I kept smelling.
"Really?" I asked as he picked up the cooling box and started walking to the door.
"Yes, why? Does that surprise you?" He asked and I shook my head.
"Yes I am surprised and interested." I said looking at him as we walked next to each other. He chuckled and looked back at me, his eyes soft and amused, I smiled back at him.
"What makes that interesting?" He asked and I looked at the floor, frowning a bit as I thought why it was interesting to me. The truth was that anything about him seemed to interest me, I don't know why...but he did.
"I don't know, it just does." I say and I could feel him look at me but I kept walking, looking forward as we walked to the Jeep. He put the picnic stuff in the trunk of the car and I got in the passenger seat and rolled down the window. He got in the drivers side, started the engine and looked at me, almost looking like he was contemplating something.
He reached over me slowly as he grabbed my seatbelt, slowly putting it on, his arm grazed mine, it was hot and it sent welcomed tickles down my spine.
"Safety first." He whispered in my ear when I heard the click of the belt. He moved away from me and I let out a breath that I'd been holding from biting my lip. I didn't want to do or say anything i shouldn't so I kept my mouth shut and my hands were gripping either side of the car seat.
I looked back at him and he was smirking as he drove forward. Oh we playing a game? Well then game on pretty boy.

We arrived at the beach and I put my sunglasses over my eyes and took in the smell of the sea. People were all over the beach, playing soccer, tanning, playing in the waves, building sand castles or just enjoying a few cold drinks on the beach. It was now 12 o'clock and the beach is full, I loved it.
I looked back at Liam and smiled, as I ran my way down to the beach, Liam chuckled but followed my suit.
We settled our stuff away far enough from the waves so it doesn't get wet, but close enough so we can see our stuff if we went to swim.
I pulled off my dress, revealing my red bikini, I could feel Liam's eyes on me as I pulled it off slowly. I walked towards him and tossed my dress next to him, I sent him a wink and made my way to the sea, fluffing my hair and swayed my hips as I walked.
"Fuck." I heard him mutter and I smiled looking over my shoulder and winking at him.
I felt the warm water at my toes and I felt instantly at peace. I let out a sigh of content before looking back to see, shirtless, Liam making his way next to me, calmly and almost professionally. I laughed and when he was close enough I took him by the hand and pulled him into the water with all my strength, pushing myself into the break of a wave and pulling him into me. Liam pulled me back up as I laughed.
I was wet from the water from head to toe, but Liam's head was still dry. I smiled evilly at him as he looked confused at me. I put my arms on his shoulders gently so he wasn't alarmed, but he still looked suspicious. I couldn't help but giggle a bit the look on his face. I dunked him under the water, or should I say I tried...
He stood there like a rock, a laughing rock, I began laughing with him as I splashed water at him, and he started chasing me while splashing.
"Liam! Haha! Stop!" I laughed as he tickled me. I am very, very ticklish and I can't decide if I like it or not, my dad and mom used to play tickle wars with me and they would pretend to be ticklish too when I tickled them, so it brings happiness to my heart, but I am also so ticklish that I can't breathe if it's for too long because I can't stop laughing. He did not let me reach that point, so I just felt happy.

After getting out of the water we sat on the beach and talked for a while. I found him rather interesting, even though he hasn't told me much about himself. I found myself smiling when he mentioned he played the guitar.
"You do?!" I asked with a squeak, which made him laugh.
"Yeah a bit, I am not terrible but I'm not the greatest either." He said but I could see the blush coming to his cheeks and I bit my lip subconsciously. I like that he blushes.
"I'd like to hear sometime." I asked, as I looked down at his hand that was fiddling with his towel. I put my hand over his to stop him, but instead of removing my hand I let it stay for a bit. He cleared his throat and I let out a nervous laugh, removing my hand.
"Liam...tonight will you play me your guitar?" I asked and he looked up at me, with a smile.
"Won't you be tired?" He asked, making me feel awkward for leaving my hand there for a bit too long, I tucked my hair behind my ear, clearing my throat.
"Probably." I said with a laugh. "I'm going to go for a quick dip and then we can go?" I asked, the sun was starting to set already and it painted a beautiful abstract painting across the sky, my heart felt light again as I ran back into the ocean, on my own this time.

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