Chapter 34

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Liam's POV
"So Grace was hired?" She asked as she by her lip. She was pacing nervously around the room.
"Yes, by Samuel Greyson." I explained. Aria was already in bed, and fast asleep so it was alright to talk about this now.
"Is this going to be an issue in four months time Liam?" She asked. The wedding was in four months and I knew that was a stress for her, it's a stress for me too, I don't want some guy barging into the wedding and doing god knows what.
"No I will take care of it. I called your dad earlier and told him I will take the job, I'm heading out tomorrow morning to get my team. I will find the best of the best and I will put these people away. Okay?" I said walking closer to her and running my hands up and down her arms. She relaxed a little and gave me a smile.
"Okay." She said letting out a breath.
"Another far as Samuel knows...Grace is dead." I said and she looked confused, and she looked as though she was about to question whether he was. "He isn't, he's in solitary confinement right now, but he is still alive." I explained and she nodded and gave me a hug, resting her head on my chest and I rested my head on hers. "I will keep you safe." I said and I felt her smile as she hugged me tighter.
"I know you will, Liam." She whispered and planted a kiss on my chest. I smiled at the thought that she felt protected by me, it meant a lot to me. "Let's go to bed, it's been a long day." She said and I nodded and kissed her head. I grabbed her hand and we made our way to our bedroom, changed into our pajamas, mine was just my boxers and hers was an oversized shirt. I was curious as to why she always had to sleep in a shirt of mine, it's never the same shirt, it's always a different one every night.
She climbed into bed and looked at me staring at her. "What?" She asked with a smile.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Why do you always where a different one of my shirts to go to bed? I don't mind at all, in fact I think you look fucking sexy in it, I'm just curious." She smiled shyly at me.
"Because it has your smell, and your scent reminds me of safety, of home. I haven't had a nightmare of those nights ever since I started wearing your shirts." She exclaimed looking down at my shirt. I pulled her closer to me, and just held her. It made a lot of sense why she did that, and it made me smile.
"You're safe now, babe, you're safe." She came and she cuddled up to me and lay her head on my chest.
"I love you." She whispered as she started closing her eyes.
"I love you too."

Kat's POV
"Well no shit Sherlock! Obviously!" Mia shouted after I asked her to be my bridesmaid of honor...and possibly my only bridesmaid.
"Great!" I said with a big smile. I was really excited about everything.
We were sitting on my patio overlooking the beach. Liam had to go attend some business and Derek went with him, so it was only Mia, me, Aria and Jace around, but Aria and Jace were having some quiet time and we're watching lilo and stitch with some popcorn and juice, they were so cuddled up together, their legs wrapped around each other and Aria resting her head on his shoulder. He was patient with her and just let her be. I smiled at them and looked at my best friend.
"You know..." She said with a naughty smile.
"What?" I said smiling at her strange face.
"We haven't had a girls night in forever! And you're getting married, which would mean that I wouldn't get as much time with you, but you're practically marrying a saint so I obviously will," She said and I chuckled, knowing it's true, "but!" She continued. "That's not the point! We need to go to a party, for your bachelorette." She said with a wink, making me laugh.
"The wedding isn't until four months." I reminded her and she rolled her eyes.
"Yes! But...we can still plan this, and the bachelorette party should be a month before." She said and I rolled my eyes smiling.
"Okay so what do you have in mind?"
"Either a house party, or a club, but you have been to a house party...have you been to a club?"
"" I said embarrassed that I haven't gone to a club even though I'm 22, but to be fair I had a child that I needed to look after, and that to me was way more fun anyway.
"Club it is!" She said excitedly.
"Still in three months, Mia." I chuckled.
"Stop being such a lawyer." She said and I laughed.
"That reminds me, I actually have a lot of work to do." I groaned as I got up from my chair. "I am making tea, would you like some?" I offered.
"Yes please, three sugars, no milk please."
"Three?! You went up!" I said in disbelief and she laughed.
"In order to be this sweet I need to consume a lot of sweet, otherwise its impossible." She jokes and I laughed.
"I'm putting in two." I said and I could feel her eyes rolling.
"Fine, mom." She mocked and I laughed at her.
"You're an idiot sometimes you know that?" I asked and she nodded.
"I know but you love me." She said and I nodded.
"I do."
"When are we going dress shopping?" She asked and I shrugged.
"Um, well I need to draft up these papers today, so how about tomorrow? I'll be done by tonight so then we can go shopping tomorrow?" I offered and she nodded.
"Just the two of us this time?" She asked and I nodded, we did need some best friend time alone, and it seemed that wedding shopping always did the job.
"Sure, meet you at the mall at 12?" I asked and she nodded, I handed her her tea and she smiled saying 'thanks'.
"Sounds good." She said. 
When Mia finished her tea her and Jace had left, and now it was just Aria, me and the pile of work in front of me.
Aria was good and just played with her toys while I worked, she never disturbed me, and I always felt bad that I had to work instead of spend time with her, but I dedicated the morning for us to play and the afternoon for me to work until I finished then we play more.
"Mommy, what for supper?" She asked, making me look at the time. It was already 8:00!
"Oh my baby I'm so sorry! You should have told me earlier, I would have made you something." I said picking her up and kissing her cheek.
"But you looked busy." She said innocently and I felt bad.
"I'm sorry my angel, how about we get some Chinese take out? Daddy should be home in an hour." I offered and she smiled and nodded excitedly, making me smile at her.
I ordered our dinner and it arrived an hour later. Sitting down at the couch I helped her open her food and cooled it down a little bit so she could handle it. Just then the door opened and Liam came in.
"Oh my god." I whispered when I saw him.

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