Chapter 4

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I woke up in the middle of the night startled by a dream I was having. Beads of sweat found their way in my forehead and temples. Letting out a breath of relief, realizing that it was only a dream, and got out of bed, making my way to the kitchen. Liam slept in the room next to mine so that if anything happened he would be able to come quickly, not that I actually thought that anybody would actually know where we were as we were in some house surrounded by trees, the beach was just a stretch away, walking distance, but I couldn't see it from my room.
I walked towards the balcony, after grabbing a bottle of water, and slid the glass door open. The cool air picked up my dark hair and pulled it behind me, the smell of the ocean drifted to my nose and I smiled as I wrapped my arms around myself. The remnants of the dream were slowly fading, but they still brought a disturbing feeling to my gut.
"It was just a bad dream." I whispered to myself.
I could now see the ocean and I smiled at the sight. The moon was glistening on the water, making it look like the moon was dancing with the water.
"Beautiful isn't it?" I whipped around, bumping into Liam and almost falling on my butt but he caught me in time...again. My shirt rode up under his grip on my waist, his warm rough hands sending a feeling down to my stomach...and elsewhere as my hips connected with his I felt something growing in his pants and I gasped at the feel.
"Very." I whispered, I should have moved, I should have been uncomfortable but I didn't and I wasn't.
He cleared his throat and let out a nervous chuckle. "I'm sorry." He said moving away and I cleared my throat too and looked back at the sea.
" I should say the same." I offered and he came to stand next to me, leaning his weight on the wall holding us here.
"You didn't get inappropriate." He added and looked away from me.
"Neither did you." I said looking at him.
"I got a boner from holding you, Katherine." He said in a quiet tone, I could feel myself get hot.
"I got wet." The words just flew out of my mouth, I felt just as shocked as he looked at that moment.
"You did?" He asked. I knew it was bad of me I knew it was bad for me but I looked down at his pants, seeing his erection grow up and I bit my lip.
"I am now." I whispered and I looked back up at him, his brown cheeky eyes darkening with lust and I have a feeling mine did the same.
I shouldn't do this...I can't do this he's my bodyguard this is going against everything he was told to do and told not to do...he could get fired, and it would be my fault.
I created space between us and let out a nervous sigh.
"I should get back to bed, big beach day and everything, you should probably do the same, you know protecting and everything." I said awkwardly.
He took a step back, not looking me in the eye, but rather looking down. Even in the complete darkness I could see he was very embarrassed and that made me feel awful.
"Liam-" I began but he cut me off.
"You're right Miss John, I think sleep would be best right now." He said with a small smile, I returned it.
"Goodnight Mr Carnes." I offered and walked inside.
"Goodnight, sleep well." He said softly.

I woke up the next morning a little later than usual, at about seven. And when I woke up I threw on a big shirt that I stole from my dad and walked down to the kitchen. Birds were chirping happily and I admired them, their freedom, and their constant happiness and beautiful music waking everybody up, they always put a smile on my face.
I decided that I was going to make some breakfast for Liam and I, I still felt bad for last night, I shouldn't, and I wouldn't if I didn't want it too.
I decided to make a summery breakfast: fruit salad with strawberries, blueberries, watermelon, banana and pineapple with some granola liquid on top to add some sweetness.
"Miss John, I am sorry that I-" he interrupted himself when he saw two bowls set on the outside table, I was still wearing the over sized t-shirt and no pants...I forgot about that, which is rather inappropriate, but it will have to do. "What's this?" He asked with a frown. "Do you have company?" He asked. His body was drenched in sweat, he was wearing a white v-neck shirt that clung to his body, a towel around his neck, his dark hair even darker from the sweat making it even messier, he was hot from his run and he was making me hot standing there looking at me with intense eyes as his eyes raked my body as mine takes his. I but my lip.
"Oh ah no I was hoping you'd have breakfast with me?" I said remembering that he had asked me a question before I started perving over my really hot bodyguard, but still.
"Me?" He asked looking back in my eyes. I smiled.
"Yeah. You hungry?" I asked making my way to my seat.
"I am now." He whispered, loud enough for me to hear but soft enough for me to have mistaken what I had heard.
"Good take a seat and eat with me." I said and he smiled. Even though he was drenched in sweat he still smelt heavily of the ocean and a hint of something else, I couldn't put my finger on it. But I knew one thing...I loved his scent and it drove me mad.
"Would you like anything to drink?" He asked and I nodded.
"There's water or juice in the fridge, you can choose." I said and he got up making his way to the fridge.
"What are your plans for today?" He asked me when he came back, he handed me a glass of guava juice, as he had orange juice. Guava was my favorite...and I wondered if it was a coincidence that he got me guava.
"Um I was thinking we could go to the beach?" I said, taking a forkful of my fruit salad, he was almost finished and I was not even halfway there yet.
"Okay." He said.
"Don't wear your shades and bodyguard rubbish." I said and he sat back studying me.
"And what do you propose I wear?" He asked.
"Nothing-" I began but he cut me off, obviously liking what he heard.
"That would be nice, highly inappropriate, but nice." He said with a smirk and I gave him a knowing smile.
"-like that." I finished with a amused smile and he smiled further.
"Alright," He said after studying me for a moment. I frowned at him. "I'll get dressed...into nothing-like what I wear...but please don't tell your dad." He said and I smiled cheekily at him.
"Well technically it's a disguise so that we don't stand out completely." I said and he laughed, which made me frown. "What?" I asked.
"You stand out, Miss John." He said smiling a cocky smile.
"Oh and why is that?" I asked with a sly smile, kind of feeling strangely insecure.
"Your looks stand out. You're so..." He looked at me, almost searching for the right  word to describe me. "Extraordinary."
I could feel warmth spread across my chest and in my tummy, and tried my best to ignore it, I mean there is nothing wrong with having feelings for someone, nor to be sexually attracted to someone, but not to your bodyguard.
"Or it's the unusually dark hair, or the fact that I basically hop everywhere." I said with a laugh, trying to brush off the compliment.
"Why do you do that?" He asked with a frown, a smile tugging at his dark pink lips.
"Do what?" I asked cocking my head to the side in a confused manner.
"Never mind. I will go get dressed." He said and I smiled and nodded as I ran up to my room, feeling his eyes on me as I ran up.

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