Chapter 19

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Liam's POV
I feel like I did this to her. She is lying in a hospital bed, her skin paler than usual, her eyes have thick purple bags under them and she is still. She went into surgery last night at about 7 and she hasn't been awake since then, but it's only 4:14 now so I need to be patient.
Her parents and doctors let me stay with her in her room after I refused to leave her side, I even held her hand through surgery, which nauseated me as I had to watch the love of my life getting cut open because I couldn't protect her properly.
Marina, John (Bones), Jerry (Meat) and Chris (Rags) were all under medical examination and were now talking to the police. Unfortunately Grace seemed to have escaped, but we are doing everything to find him. His bodyguards have all been arrested and sentenced with a life sentenced in prison.
I couldn't stop staring at her, and even in the state that she's in she is still absolutely stunning, she still gives me butterflies just by breathing.
"Liam?" She whispered, her throat was dry and I could hear it. I passed her the water next to her bed, she smiled at me, that smile that could give me one thousand reasons to live.
"How are you feeling?" I asked, anxious for her reply, she laughed lightly and looked at me, her eyes were tired but she was okay, well...she was alive.
"I'm sore, but I'm glad you're here." She said and I frowned.
"Where else would I be?"
"I said really horrible lies to you before I got kidnapped. And I..." she began but she was getting emotional so I put my hand on hers, she almost jumped out of her skin before she retracted her hand from mine.
"I'm sorry Liam." She said and she covered her face in her hands. At first I thought it was my touch that made her feel sick...but I realized it was any touch.
"Oh my god, Kat...did he...?" She couldn't look at me and that's when I knew what he had done and I felt sick to my stomach. "Fuck, I'm so sorry, I took so long..." I said and put my head in my hands. "How long?" I had to know, any kind of way I was going to find this mother fucker and I was going to kill him, slowly.
"Every day at 5:00 sharp." She said, she stared blankly at the door as tears formed in her eyes as she remembered the pain she had endured.
"We don't have to-"
"I want to..." She said and I nodded as I listened to her, I didn't touch her, I didn't come too close, I just tried to show my support to her, show her she's safe now. "When I arrived I was fully dressed in what I had worn when I was taken. The room was so cold and I was locked in a cage, like an animal, Rags was staring at me, looking like he wanted to ra-.." she choked on the word rape. "He looked terrifying. I was alone with him for a while before Grace came in, he was in a suit, like he always was, he was clean and smelt non threatening, if that makes any sense, but he gave me this feeling a feeling of immense danger when he came closer, he was the only one who had the key to my cell. The more pain I was in the more turned on he got. I remember the feeling of anxiety where I felt like I couldn't breathe, I was nauseous I was terrified from 4:30 until he came. I was scared that I would get pregnant...but I learnt that he is infertile. I felt like I could breathe a little more. I tried thinking happy thoughts, it was always you, the way it felt when you held me, how soothing your voice was to me. All the memories I had of you...they made everything so much better." She looked at my hand in my lap and lay her hand out flat on the bed as a gesture for me to take it. I hesitantly put my hand on hers gently and she intertwined our fingers and squeezed my hand. "I'm not afraid of your you, I'm not afraid of your touch, with you I feel completely safe. I trust you." She said and a tear fell from my eye, I didn't wipe it away, instead I just kissed her hand and held it in both of my hands, cherishing her feel again. She was back home now.
"I love you." I said and she let a year escape her eye.
"I love you too." She said and I smiled. "Will you come sleep next to me?" I looked up at her in surprise. She was raped multiple times and she wants me to lie next to her? I was amazed at how brave she is, she was always the brave one.
"I don't have to touch you and I can lie at the edge of the bed too if you want?" I suggested and she laughed and shook her head.
"No I want to lay my head on your chest, feel your arms around me again and to know you'll never let me go." She said and I smiled and climbed into bed with her, she lay on her side that wasn't sore and put her head on my chest, my arms wrapped around her, her scent had faded but it was still there. And i missed it. I missed this. I missed her.
"I will find Grace...and when I do he's going to wish he wish he was arrested." I whispered in her ear as she fell asleep in my arms once again.

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