Chapter 14

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Third Person's POV
They walked down to the beach and sat down, an awkward and tense silence in the start as she waited for him to tell her what's going on, as he waited to find the courage to tell her.
"I love you." He said suddenly, she whipped her head towards him, eyes wide. Shock was written all over her face. She loved him too, she just didn't know for sure yet. "You don't have to say it back." He said suddenly and calmly as he played with the sand. "As far as you know we've only known each other for 3 weeks." He continued.
"As far as I know?" She asked, looking more nervous now. He nodded and smiled sadly, tears forming in his eyes so he looked away, back down at the sand. "You're scaring me now Liam."
"You have a scar on your back. Do you remember how you got it?"
"Tell me."
"I fell off my horse when I was 12." He shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. They lied to her.
"No you didn't Kat." He said as he looked at her, she looked scared, she was confused, he looked so sad and she didn't know why. "You were in a car accident." She laughed humorlessly.
"I'm sorry what?"
"Your parents lied to you." She moved away from him in shock. She never got angry, she was too gentle for that kind of emotion.
"Excuse me?"
"You were 12, I was 14. I took you out to the movies on a Friday night, I thought it'd be fun to break the usual Pizza Hut tradition. We saw Twilight: New Moon since you were obsessing over it for the two weeks prior.
We watched the movie with some popcorn and a slushy. We weren't allowed to go to the movies often so we decided to go all out." He explained as he laughed at the memory, tears forming in his eyes again but he didn't hide it this time. "After the movie finished I wanted to show you something. I thought it would be cool if we had a secret hide out, you know? Like in all those movies?
I took you there, your hand was in mine as we walked. It was just across the road, a quiet road.
I...I didn't check the road before I crossed, but you did, and you saw that a car without headlights was coming full speed at me." A tear rolled down his cheek and he wiped it away as he looked at the sand. Tears were forming in her eyes, she was confused and scared as she saw his memory that he was struggling to share with her, a memory that he found so haunting he couldn't let go. "You shouted my name and I stood there confused, thinking you were hurt, you ran into the road to push me out the didn't have time to get out the way yourself." Tears were streaming down her face.
"I saw you flying over the car and hand heavily down on the road, I remember the car tumbling and spinning out of control. I ran to you, my ears were ringing, my heart was broken, I scratched my leg on broken glass as I glided to you, but I didn't feel a thing.
I remember holding your limp body in my arms and I remember the guy who ran you over come try and help, but he was too drunk to do anything, and I wouldn't let him anywhere near you. I called the ambulance and the police and they took you away from me and it felt like my entire world had just fallen apart.
I came to visit you for months after that, hoping you'd make some progress from your comatose state, and after five months you did, you woke up on the 11 February 2012, the doctor wasted no time in telling us that you had amnesia, and that it may be temporary, but we need to take it slow, you remembered your parents and your brothers, but you didn't remember me.
Your parents thought it'd be best if you didn't remember and focused on resting for a while. I believed them when they promised they would help you remember me, I had to move away that summer, to Canada because my dad got a job there, every night before I went to bed I'd pray that you remembered me, but I never got a call.
One day on the news I saw that your dad had been elected for president, I saw you smiling proudly by his side as he made his speech, I made it my life's mission to be the best bodyguard in America so that I could be appointed by your father to protect you." He finished and looked up at her as tears streamed down her face. He tried to wipe away her tears but she pushed him away. She was angry at him but she didn't know why.
"That can't be true. My parents wouldn't lie to me like that." She said as she stood up suddenly. He was hurt and surprised.
"Kat, I wouldn't lie to you, especially not like this!" He said.
"Neither would they!"
"But you were remembering it, you wouldn't cry otherwise." He said, desperately trying to hold on to her.
"I'm crying because I thought I could trust you! I thought you liked me! But you're trying to turn me against my parents, is this about money?" She cried as she took steps away from him.
"You know that isn't true! I told you that I love you!" He was losing her again and he didn't know how to stop it.
"I don't love you! I'm liked you sexually! I want you to take me home now. This was a huge mistake." She said. His heart broke again but he was angry at her for not believing him.
"You were using me?" He said in disbelief and he face softened.
"Liam I-"
"No, forget it, we will be boarding the plane in an hour, if it's all the same to you, Miss John?" He asked, his walls and facade back up, and she was hurt at how fast he blocked her out, even though she had no reason to be hurt after what she had said to him. She loved him and she believed him, but she was too stubborn to realize it, so they both lost that day.
"That's fine." She whispered as she walked back to the house to pack her bags, he was at a bodyguards distance away from her, hands behind his back, he was back to being a bodyguard and she was back to being another one of his protection programs.
None of them were fine.

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