Chapter 17

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Kats POV
"Kat, I love you." He whispered, his forehead against mine. I felt safe and at home again, all my problems were unknown now that he was with me.
"I love you too." I replied reaching up to hiss him, but he pulled away coldly, leaving me feeling lost and confused. "Liam?" I whispered.
"But you used me." He said before he scowled at me. A girl new in his arms, she was beautiful, her long blonde hair flowing in the wind.
"Liam?"  Was all I could get out before tears rolled down my cheek.
It was around 2:00 am and I woke up screaming and crying. Mark ran into my room to cradle me.
"Kat it's okay." He whispered as he stroked my hair comfortingly. I cried into his hug. "It's been a while since I've seen you cry, what's wrong?"
"Just a bad dream that's all." I said as I wiped my tears away. The dream wasn't that bad, nor that vivid but for some reason it broke my heart, maybe it's because it was the first time that I acknowledged that I loved Liam.
"You know you can tell me anything right?" He said and I smiled and nodded. "Do you want me to sleep here tonight?" He asked and I shook my head.
"No it's okay, thank you though." I said and he kissed my forehead and left my room.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to try and sleep, but I couldn't sleep, so I decided to go to the beach and draw.
I through on my thin jersey in case I got a bit cold, even though it was the middle of summer, mornings are still a bit cold. I put on my tights and tied my hair into a messy bun. I walked out my door and quietly walked out of the house. Liam was in guard in an hour so I didn't have to worry about running into him now. I walked down to the beach with my sketchbook and pencil in hand and sat on one of the tanning chairs by the beach and began to sketch what came to mind. My mind was cloudy at the moment, I couldn't think straight but this at least helped me put it all down onto paper.
Time began to pass freely and my chest felt lighter again. Everything started feeling good again...that was until I felt arms viciously pulling me up. When I looked to see who it was I saw Joes face. Angry. I felt nervous, but I got even more nervous when I saw more men approaching me. I screamed as loud as I could before Joe covered my mouth, I kept screaming and kicking and fighting.
I saw Liam run outside, his gun in hand, but when his eyes landed on me I saw the world shatter in his eyes.
"Katherine! No!" He shouted as he ran to me as the men pulled me away. Tears were streaming down my face.
"Liam! I'm so sorry. I love you!" I shouted to him. The other men got to Liam and pulled him back, but Liam tried fighting his way through, I was screaming his name every time he got hit. I bit Joe and managed to escape his grasp on me and ran to help Liam, but before I got to Liam Joe hit me over the head and I blanked out.
I woke up in a jail cell and my head hurt. I blinked slowly to allow myself to adjust to the light, I saw a man smiling at me outside of my cell.
I felt like a trapped animal. The way he looked at me was as if he wanted to feed off of me, like he was the lion and I was the screaming lamb.
The smile he gave me brought goosebumps to my skin but the look in his eyes made me feel sick and uneasy.
I sat up and figured out I was chained to the bed. I pulled on the chains, feeling helpless and scared.
"What do you want?" I asked. My voice was hoarse and I was thirsty, I didn't know what time or day it was and I didn't care.
He didn't answer instead his smile deepened, he looked demonic and anything but good, I was terrified.
By the way he was looking at me I knew what was coming, and I knew I couldn't help it.
I felt sick to the stomach at that thought, so sick I had to hold back my vomit.
"I've waited a long time for you." A new voice said. When he stepped into the light I could see him, he was wearing a suit and tie, his body was clean and smelt he like a forest, a pleasant looking man, a normally comforting smell. He was handsome, but he terrified me, made me uncomfortable, even more uncomfortable than I was when I was alone with his filthy guard. At least with the guard it felt like I was behind bars and that he couldn't get me in here...with this man, the bars felt non existent.
I couldn't answer, he stepped close to the bars, grabbing them with both hands. I moved to the furthest corner away from him.

Think happy things, Katherine, Liam will find you. I thought to myself.
I closed my eyes and slowed my breathing to a normal pace.
I thought of Liam, without even trying.

I thought of the way he held me close to him, how safe I felt in his arms, how completely and utterly insanely in love with him I was, I am.

"Leave us, Rags." The boss man said to the guard, his voice sent chillers down spine.
Happy thoughts!

I thought of his kiss...the way it felt, how he tasted, how gentle he was, no matter how rough he wanted to be.

*Rape sensitive viewers warning! Will give heads up when it's over*

Zip. I heard the sound of his pants being unzipped, not long after the door was being unlocked. I shut my eyes tight and fisted my hands, so tight I felt blood trickle down my hand.

I thought of how easily he made me smile.

I heard his footsteps getting closer to me, his scent becoming more imminent, more potent, more sickening.

His messy brown hair in between my fingers.

He touched my head, making me jump back, a tear slipping out of my eye.

How he would make me tea in the morning to wake me up.

I was quivering. But the thoughts of Liam calmed me down, at least as much as they could in this situation.
He hauled me up roughly and pinned me against the wall, he was hard, I turned my head away from him as tears rolled down my cheek.

His smell, that brought comfort to me.

He put my hand on his hard on, making me feel nauseas as he whispered in my ear: "I'm going to fuck you so hard."

His voice whispering in my ear as I fell asleep in his arms, I never got what he said, but it was soothing.

He threw me into the bed and straddled me as he kissed my lips viciously. His hands roaming my body as if he had the right to.
His hand squeezed my breast roughly and I whimpered.
He pulled down my pants with one hand.
His other hand already going in between my thighs and he slid four fingers inside me at once making me scream in pain, he was rough, and merciless.

Our long walks on the beach.

I heard him take off his pants.

Watching children play on the beach happily, realizing I want a family with him.

He ripped off my panties and jammed himself into me, hard, reckless, disgusting, painful.
One, two, three hard thrusts of his hips making me scream out in pain. He smiled at my pain and kept thrusting harder, faster and more intense until he came inside me. He moaned in pleasure as he finished himself off.
He laughed as I shook horribly.
"Oh you were great babe, I'll be back tomorrow." He winked at me, I couldn't hold back the vomit any longer and I threw up all over the floor as I cried, trying to cover myself up again.

Finished rape scene

That night I had cried myself to sleep, my mind never getting off of what I had just been through, until I went to sleep.

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